The Urban Scientist
Urban Scientist Happenings Week of October 3rd
Single nerds hope to find love this Friday down under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.
Olivia Koski • October 5, 2010

Single? Smart? Maybe you even consider yourself nerdy? If so, join kindred spirits at NYC’s Nerd Nite this Friday for some speed dating. Or if you’ve already found love, but just want to hear about the history of Scrabble and drink a beer, that’s okay, too.
Members of the Amateur Astronomer’s Association will gather at the High Line Park on Tuesday. That night you can also catch a talk framing science as a modern creation story with David Christian at the New York Academy of Science.
The American Museum of Natural History’s SciCafe is back on Wednesday with an evening of cocktails and conversation about the next 50 years of Space Flight.
If you know of a fun science-related event happening in New York City, be sure to drop us a line!