Does a full moon actually affect people’s behavior?
- Asks Sue from Long Island, N.Y.
Andrew Grant • March 31, 2008
![Is the moon making us crazy? [Credit: <a href="">Stelios Kiousis</a>.]](
Is the moon making us crazy? [Credit: Stelios Kiousis.]
I admit that New Yorkers are not known for their superior driving ability, but on this one night the drivers seemed especially erratic. People kept cutting me off. One guy sped right through a red light, barely missing a collision with the crossing traffic. And some genius, perhaps British but probably not, forgot that in this country we drive on the right side of the road.
I thought about what made this night particularly favorable for lunatic drivers compared to any other. It wasn’t St. Patrick’s Day, New Year’s or very late at night, so drunk driving didn’t seem to fit. Only when I got out of my car and looked up did I conceive a possible explanation: the full moon.
The legend of the full moon’s effects on human behavior has existed for centuries, popularized by the myth of the werewolf. The words “lunacy” and “lunatic” are derived from the same Latin root that gives us the word “lunar,” as people often attributed intermittent insanity to the phases of the moon. While many people believe the full moon influences behavior, scientific studies have found very little evidence supporting the “Lunar Effect.”
In 1978, University of Miami psychologist Arnold Lieber wrote the book The Lunar Effect: Biological Tides and Human Emotions. He argued that the moon influences day-to-day behavior and concluded that homicides increased during the full moon after analyzing Miami’s crime records. Similar crime studies during that same time period, however, found no such relationship.
Then, in 1986, researchers from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada combined the results of about 100 studies and found “no causal relationship between lunar phenomena and human behavior.” They discovered statistical flaws in many of the papers that claimed to find such a link. They even reanalyzed Lieber’s homicide data and found no correlation.
More recently, numerous studies have been conducted by intrigued researchers, with most attempts to blame the moon for everything from suicides to vomiting after surgery coming up empty.
So with all this evidence to the contrary, what makes the full moon lunacy theory still so popular? Perhaps it’s the media, who know people are more likely to read a crime story if some police officer blames it on the moon. Or maybe people just want to hold onto an urban legend that’s been around for hundreds of years.
A more scientific answer may be selective memory. If some bizarre murder or car accident occurs, people are probably more likely to remember it if it happened during the night of a full moon.
After reading up on some studies — including one from the authority on this topic, the University of Saskatchewan — I’ve decided that the full moon was not responsible for my experience on the road that night. Perhaps I selectively forgot the thousands of other times I encountered lunatic motorists. Though I have no scientific evidence to prove it (just years of experience), I’m going with the theory that New Yorkers are just really bad drivers.
Me and my mom where at walmart and all day I had anger pasted through me and I callen her a fat cow all of a sudden!She says I do this every full moon so i do believe the moon effects!Us also considering that we r made up of 60percent of water.Its all because of god
So becareful during the full moon and u r not alone some feel this others don’t but the ones who do have a gift and we r not crazy
A lot of people in this comments list also failed to actually READ this article. They just shout ‘HURR DURR, WHEN THE MOON IS FULL I GET ANGRY, DURR HURR’ without taking confirmation bias into account. Or any of the information presented in the article.
Thank you for the article, full moon has caught my interest a long time ago. Sitting now two days before fullmoon on 6th of april 2012, trying to figure out how to reduce the feeling when the high tides are causing my body water to spill out (?). I am surprised also about 103 comments containing sincere personal experiences but also opinions about guessing what might happen during f.m. :) I can also add a personal thought that I totally agree with people turning towards werewolfy behaviour around full moon, me included. Although impressed by the phenomena, I am seriously annoyed by it and wish there would be a cure soon, so I can get vaccinated.
However, what I wanted to say is that luckily I found this published research concerning full moon phenomena on PubMed. You can find a lot of interesting ‘opinions’ here. It certainly enlightened and comforted me, but of course the studies also contribute to even more confusion about the little full moon.
Here’s the link:
‘The Lunar cycle: effects on human and animal behavior and physiology’
and this article, which is called:
‘Popular belief meets surgical reality: impact of lunar phases, Friday the 13th and zodiac signs on emergency operations and intraoperative blood loss.’
totally runs over the previous one. =)
Enjoy your reading!
Full moon regards,
Latent Lucia
Although i don’t have any opinions or research credits regarding the full moon and it’s affect on human energy, I do, however, have a lifetime of experiencing extreme anger just BEFORE the full moon. I’ve experienced this every month of my life since childhood and now sixty one and every month is different depending on my energy or biorhythms before the full moon. The full moon that just past was quite powerful.
I’ve learned to recognize within an hour or less, when the moon is starting to wane. I’ve left many job positions at the time of full moon. If I know beforehand than I’m able to suppress the anger although all the unfortunate times were when I learned afterwards. Within minutes after the peak of full moon energy, I’m very refreshed and happy, again, depending on my energy / biorhythms at the time.
I’ve never known anyone else with this affliction so I’ve never been able to successfully communicate this and only recently have begun more investigation.
My wife is my witness to many of the jobs I’ve lost after telling of the boss with the Usual F…Y.. I will be visiting with a local witch doctor ‘Mahdoo’ to try and gain more insight and hopefull someone may read this and have something to helping me and others understand this phenomenon. ArrrRuhhhh
Man…it is pathetic how many spelling errors I’m seeing in these comments. Learn to spell, people.
I am ALWAYS full of energy around a full moon. It has always just seemed a normal part of life for me. I don’t go mad or feel I am special, just feel it’s a part of life I can’t explain and fascinates me. I am very in tune with my own body and moods, and other peoples. I have ALWAYS seen and felt this ‘reaction’ around the time of a full moon in myself and others. Science has not yet fully proved or disproved this theory. Untill it does so, I will just have to rely on my own gut feeling and instincts. I would love to know if any skeptics out there have actually had any personal experiences of their own, wether it be reacting to a full moon, paranormal or some other unexplained phenomena? Seems everyone is a skeptic untill they see or feel something they cannot explain.
dear ‘ashamed of you all’ this is not a spelling contest, you’re on the wrong site :)
Anyone who has ever worked in a nursing home will understand what affects a full moon has on people. I don’t keep track of when there’s a full moon, but when our home begins to have strange occurances, you can bet on it being a full moon soon!
Very good informations.
I am intrested in this subject because the moon plays havoc on my life. Yes it effects me for sure, i can tell and so can my wife when it nears from my behaivor. I would like to study this in more depth, i am tired of its influence.
I think there is a strong correlation between the moon and it’s effects on human behavior. Around the time of the full moon(i always look at the sky for some reason) I am suicidal, depressed, irritable or i have an increased mood, and i act very anxious or irrational. In other words, i am freaking manic!I don’t know why it affects people the way it does and i don’t really think this is a coincidence.
I can also confirm that the moon seriously impacts my moods. I get irritable, depressed and seriously on edge just before and after a full moon. I’ve quietly monitored this for some time and by doing so I’m able to be consciously aware of my behaviour and keep it under control. This way I try to avoid emotionally hurting those close to me.
Generally I’m a very optimistic and outgoing person but also sensitive – I reckon some people are more intuitive to these types of things – I like to think of it more as a gift then a curse.
Very odd, I care not a dot what science says.
I would imagine its the same sort of thing as when you get a new car, you then notice that car a lot more because you are looking out for it. People are always like this you just notice more on the full moon because you can associate it with the full moon, thats what i believe anyway.
Well theres proof it moves liquid in your body, but it can’t change you since your brain neurons aren’t liquid, moving brain fluid and stomach fluid would explain headaches, sickness & insomnia
Tom for many years i have suffered from the effects of the monn.more so as the moon becomes full than the cull moon itself.i have learned,not always but getting better at it,is its in the accepting of the emotional changes i am about to endure the easier it will far as my spelling or grammar i just don’t care
I’m thinking the reason so many people can’t sleep well during a Full moon is because it’s much brighter out than normal. If you can see the moonlight perhaps you should pull the shades, its like having a light in your eyes. Just saying, seems like common sense.
A study was done, published in a Veterinary Medical journal, with the intent of establishing if staffing should be different in the animal ER on full moon nights. The result: ER’s are more busy and should be staffed accordingly. Having watched from inside ER’s, both human and animal, for approximately twenty years, I believe some people behave “differently” during the last 1-2 days of a waxing gibbous to full moon. The ER is not only more busy, but more filled with silliness. If we’re going to see bizarre behavior, it is more likely on the nights that shine!
I really hate the moment I started reading this article. It’s only about crime frequency during the full moon. It should refer from other points of view. Where in the world is written that crime frequency rises when it is full moon? The full moon affects people mentally(in many ways) and I don’t think it makes them do things they don’t want to do. I appreciate the people who believe that the full moon really affects people’s lives. I’ve read the comment that refers to the fact that it affects you only because you think it will affect you. In my opinion, that’s totally not true. I had a lot of nights(one per month) in which I didn’t know when the full moon will be and I couldn’t sleep and only in the morning I thought that it could be because of the a possible full moon. The same thing happened to my mother that realized a day after the night in which she couldn’t sleep that it was full moon. Why don’t the universities study this thing from a lot more points of view???
Perhaps the power of etymological effects is greater than we think!
I googled the question of the full moon affecting behavior because it is 12 years I have been with my husband and every full moon he is mean, disgruntled, withdrawn, and seems to be so against me. Always when a full moon is out. When he stops talking to me or becomes mean, I look up and literally there it is a full moon
I am a person affected by the moon. I’m not a scientist and I have no facts to back myself up. Simply….at 50 years old I know how my body and mind react. At the full moon and new moon I become incredibly agitated….to the point that I wish i could turn into a wolf and howl my agitations at the moon. It is very frustrating because my personality changes quite noticably and I seem to have no control over it. My husband can verify that fact!!
It must be a full moon because this is not my comment.
i believe the full moon has an effect especially on crazy people i have some living in front of me they strip half naked and behave stupid
When the moon waxes to full there is an abundance of energy which affects people in different ways. I get overly energized when it begins to wax but then begin to feel drained, agitated, and tired the day before it waxes to full. It has nothing to do with being unstable…it’s just we’re all unique beings and it affects us all differently. However, I do believe empath’s and highly sensitive people feel the energy changes more than other’s.
If full moons had not been affecting me oddly for some years I wouldn’t have googled full moon affects and found this website. There is no question in my mind that full moons have some effects on some people. Just FYI, yeah, I’ve been called highly intuitive, sensitive, blah, and have family history of depression. Also have family history of ‘intuitives’: well, my grandmother had some ‘psychic’ experiences and was told she was such a ‘type’– to her dismay. For myself, I’ve had some injuries during full moons and now know to be careful. I also feel highly, I don’t know, AWARE, I guess. And often feel moody and the depression battle can be more intense.
aweasome you for the article, full moon has caught my interest a long time ago. Sitting now two days before fullmoon on 6th of april 2012, trying to figure out how to reduce the feeling when the high tides are causing my body water to spill out (?). I am surprised also about 103 comments containing sincere personal experiences but also opinions about guessing what might happen during f.m. :) I can also add a personal thought that I totally agree with people turning towards werewolfy behaviour around full moon, me included. Although impressed by the phenomena, I am seriously annoyed by it and wish there would be a cure soon, so I can get vaccinated.
However, what I wanted to say is that luckily I found this published research concerning full moon phenomena on PubMed. You can find a lot of interesting ‘opinions’ here. It certainly enlightened and comforted me, but of course the studies also contribute to even more confusion about the little full moon.
I don’t think we will ever know for certain if the moon affects us humans but I believe it dies. In my own life…I suffer from major depression and have for many years and I also have a sleep disorder called idiopathic hypersomnia. Towards the coming of the full moon my depression worsens almost to the point of being suicidal AND for someone who has a sleep disorder where I can literally sleep 20 hours or more, I just can’t sleep and I have energy I don’t usually have. It’s not a learned response…I wasn’t even aware of this. My friend has a son with depression and he just decided to test his theory out on me WITHOUT letting me know until today. He has me convinced because I live this life and go thru this all the time. Thanks for reading about me.
My partner told me I’m a different person when there’s a full moon but I don’t believe it (unless someone can explain how people can become withdrawn &or aggressive during this stage of its cycle)
Ie. 2-3 days before a full moon.
My husband is clearly affected by the moon phases! He is totally fine until days before a full moon and on the night of a full moon. It is something I have been very aware of the last 3 years for sure! We have been married 16 years and it is legit at least for us!
The things that don’t normally bother me, seem so much more escalated when there is a full moon, or just a couple of days before. Again, we had a heated argument last night, caused by me. Just before the full moon. I didn’t even know it was a full moon, until we were driving home, and I looked up and saw a full moon. I knew immediately why it happened. I feel more weak, no energy, just the opposite of some of the stories that I have read from the comments. I don’t even feel the sex drive that I would normally feel the rest of the month. The full moon definitely had a hand in my emotions that normally I would not feel the rest of the month. Sometimes these feeling will happen a few days after the full moon as well. I am so glad to know that others have the same problem as I have. I was beginning to think that there was something wrong with me, until I read the other comments. I am glad to know that there are others that suffer the same as I do. It is not a very good feeling to feel out of control, and not knowing how to control it when the full moon comes. Peace be to us all!!!!!!
I immediately typed in ‘bad mood and moon phases’ after spotting the full moon through my window this evening. I had the absolute jitters all day today, felt butterflies in my stomach and felt really down and moody.
I have noticed this happening before always on full moon dates but only when I’ve noticed the moon and not through actually being aware of the dates beforehand. I felt compelled to see if I could find any connection as I really have been biting heads off for the past few days and this behaviour is out of character for me except prior to a full moon. I also feel lethargic and more emotional than normal. I’m not sure what it is but there is definitely something in it!!!
Responding to comment 37
I looked it up, and I was not born on a full moon, but a crescent one. I still have odd feelings/ behaviors on a full moon.
But what do I know. I’m 11.
Oops 38
I too have noticed a link between the phases of the moon and my Father’s personality, as did my Mother. For a few days before a full moon he will become much more opinionated and right about everything. However for the same period before a new moon he becomes haunted, depressed and all aches and pains will be magnified. When I have spoken to him about this he will acknowledge a lifting of these feelings as soon as the moon is at it’s newest. I never tell him the exact time beforehand but it always corresponds with the feeling of life beginning to get easier. Make of it what you will.
Hi, I’m Patrick I suffer from S A D that means i am sensitive to seasonal changes i am also sensitive to the gravitational changes that occur around the lunar phase changes all four of the but at different intensities. the good news is it always passes, it effects me emotionally and intellectually and sometimes physically. I take things easy around those times and that helps, when driving I take extra care and I tend to make allowances for other drivers knowing they might also be effected, best wishes to all. Patrick.
Sometimes I get an overwhelming sensation of disgust with my spouse. And notice its a full moon. But, maybe I remember because its a fullmoon. Just because scientists can’t. Prove it doesn’t mean that fullmoons do not affect a persons behavior.
My son had brain cancer. I have taken care of him for 18 year`s..the reason I am on this website is…I didn`t get my paper today and noticed my son was acting the usual way that he does on a full moon..I check the paper to be sure of what I can expect for a few days..I will notice his behavior changing for a few day`s..and then several after the full moon…but it peaks on the day of the full moon…He is blind and cannot walk..Has neurological problems from the brain truama..I won`t even be thinking about it..when I notice some small change at first.. I transfer him from bed to wheelchair..his head will be down..and stays that way most of the time during the full moon…changes totally after the phase is over..That is my personal experience..
I’ve worked as an ER doctor for 20 years. Anyone who works in an ER will tell you that the moon changes people’s responses. The full moon brings out strange behavior and I believe the new moon increases violence too.
During the full moon well I put out so much body heat and I have massive headaches, also I have so much energy and feel like I can run for miles
Both myself and my partner are like psyco’s when there is a full moon we would be better to take a 3 or 4 day break away from each other when it happens. Anything that has ever annoyed us gets thrown at each other. We say things (horrible things) to each other that effect our relationship for a long time after. I am a Scorpio 14 nov, he is an arisen 24 march , I wonder does our star signs or date of birth have anything to do with why a loving relationship turns so nasty on the run up to a full moon ?????
Based on what so many people have observed here the effects of full mooon – whether science proves it or not it is true that some people behave bizzare on this day.I have been married 18 years and I see there is a pattern, during the full mooon phase my wife becomes totally irrational and unstable – amazing but you have to live with that person to understand its impact. Not sure anything i can do anything to avoid this.
For those doubters and scientific community looking for proof, live with one that exhibits this behavior every month.
I had just noticed that last year that my husband’s attitude changes when full moon is in full force; three days before and three days after. He would be irrational and agitated; I can only ask one question a day on those days that come. It has been 9 months now that I have been struggling with my patience and let alone bite my lips and shut my mouth. He is seventy five years old and when the full moon force comes he is full blasted agitated and very edgy. After full moon he would come back to be sweet and loving husband that I married for twenty five years. I love him so much and I will continue to do so..
I never noticed until these past few months. I get settled into bed, fall asleep quickly but only am able to rest for maybe two hours. I wake up feeling fully rested, full of energy, with a increase in heart rate. No matter how hard i try my body is to jittery to fall back to sleep. I later notice the moon is full. Fair to say that yes personally I am effected.
I hope this is just one more demonstration of how blind science is to things that people with even half a brain can work out. Of course it affects us, I was a fireman and we had 5 times the number of callouts on full moon nights. Everyone knew it, it was a solid fact. Final tip: the planets affect us as well, Google starlove synastry for your ten minute proof. Scientists just fight theories like this tooth and nail because they know that their whole world will crumble once they find out that there are many true phenomena that science cannot explain.
Sorry, forgot to tell you but something that is important. It’s got nothing to do with gravity and tides. This is just basic astrology 101: oppositions cause tension and confrontations. It’s easy to work out that it is not gravity, which scientists have to (currently) presume it is. All you have to do is study the effects of Pluto, whos gravity is pretty much zero on us but whos effects are just as great as the closer giant planets like Saturn and Jupiter. If you don’t believe this just find out when Pluto made an important contact like hitting your natal Sun position, you will soon change your mind. My father died when Pluto hit my Sun and my fiances father died when it hit her Sun. So forget gravity as a cause if you are trying to figure this out. It is more likely based on the concept of synchronicity.
Last night I was unable to sleep (usually a very heavy sleeper) and last night felt completely strange all evening, then this morning out of curiosity I discovered that today is a new moon. I’m definitely affected by the moon without a shadow of a doubt.