Science News for the Week of 6.21.10
Engineered lungs, how touch influences thought, and behind the scenes of AMNH
Ferris Jabr • June 26, 2010
Here is everything you need to know about the Internet, courtesy of The Guardian.
What exactly went wrong with the oil rig’s fail-safe devices? The New York Times has some helpful infographics and in-depth reporting.
The New York Times also reports on what we know and don’t know about marine life on the Gulf of Mexico’s seabed.
Popular Mechanics takes a look at the physics of a World Cup penalty kick.
NPR has an illustrated article and video about the strange case of The Writer Who Couldn’t Read: a novelist who suffered a stroke and wrote to Oliver Sacks about his perplexing condition.
In Seed, Carl Zimmer takes us on a tour behind the scenes of the American Museum of Natural History.
At Not Exactly Rocket Science, Ed Yong writes that Nicaraguan sign language shows how language affects thought.
And everyone‘s talking about a new study in the journal Science that claims what we touch influences how we think and the choices we make.
Also making headlines are two new studies about lungs: one about engineering a rat lung in the lab; another about creating a “lung on a chip.”