Wolves, The Falklands, and arthropods galore
Our favorites of the week
Scienceline Editors • January 27, 2012
![[From left to right: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sometimesong/4008259261/sizes/m/in/photostream/">sometimesong</a> via Flickr, <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/amoosefloats/2316626479/">amoosefloats</a> via Flickr, pbs.org]](https://scienceline.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Staff-Picks-Jan-27.png)
[From left to right: sometimesong via Flickr, amoosefloats via Flickr, pbs.org]
From Kate Yandell:
Wired gives a nice overview of the progress of self-driving cars, including how it feels to drive them — and this article is about Mercedes as well as Google for a change.
The New York Times tells a sad and perplexing story about record numbers of dolphins stranded on the shores of Cape Cod, including descriptions of the struggles of moving these animals on land.
On the radio show The Story, a wolf expert talks about managing reintroduced wolves in the American West, a job that included protecting them, investigating their offenses against livestock, relocating them and sometimes killing them.
From Benjamin Plackett:
Eat your heart out, Harry Potter! It seems like an invisibility cloak is more a thing of electromagnetic science than wand waving magic.
Ever feel like you have to sacrifice style or performance in favor of one or the other? Dan Crawley, a motor enthusiast, certainly doesn’t. He stretched a Ferrari car, turning it into the worlds fastest limo. Ferrari aren’t too happy about it though, and are now attempting to sue him.
With the 30th anniversary of the Falkland’s war approaching, the British government reaffirms its intent to defend the islands, despite recent protests outside the UK embassy in Buenos Aires. These penguins are British, damnit!
From Kelly Slivka:
Science Friday’s Science and the Arts section posted beautiful arthropod brain images on their website this week. The images are part of an article featuring a new book fresh off the Harvard presses: Arthropod Brains: Evolution, Functional Elegance, and Historical Significance by Nicholas James Strausfeld.
Check out the Wired Science blog post about shrimp who vomit bioluminescence as a defense mechanism. It’s been coined “The Fire Breathing Shrimp!” (Exclamation point added for effect.) There are two fun videos in the post and an entertaining, thorough discussion by Brian Switek.
Every now and then, it’s good to take a moment to sit back and enjoy the natural world without thinking too hard about it. A blog on My Modern Metropolis has provided one of those moments with a stellar (oh, jeeze) post featuring Milky Way photography. The photos are taken at national parks, and you’ll recognize some bewitching landscapes below the skies.
1 Comment
Thanks for the link, Kelly. I am glad that you enjoyed the post!