Georgia must stop obscuring Providence Canyon’s history
It’s not a “Little Grand Canyon.” It’s a scar from slavery
M.K. Manoylov • September 23, 2020

Poor soil management during Georgia’s slavery era eroded the land to create Providence Canyon. [Wikipedia | Free Commercial Use]
The unwitting visitor could easily call Providence Canyon State Park sublime. The tall triangles of red, orange, tan, white and sometimes even purple earth are called gullies, and they span the 7-mile hiking trail throughout the park. Trees have managed to take hold in the loamy soil and it makes for a pleasant excursion in a seemingly natural setting.
I have visited Providence Canyon twice. Its floor smelled of dirt, mineral water and iron-rich Georgia clay. Footprints from that day’s few dozen visitors stippled the dusty trail paths. People’s names were etched into gully sides: “JQ <3 BL,” and at least three different Johns were there. I have made a small scratch on a gully too. The dry clay gave way easily underneath my fingernail, the dust fell to my feet.
Georgia State Parks goes so far as to call Providence Canyon the state’s “Little Grand Canyon,” but the truth is far more ironic and unnerving. Providence Canyon did not form from a river slowly eroding rock for millions of years, like the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Instead, Providence Canyon formed over a few decades due to slaveholding plantation owners improperly managing their land, causing deep gashes in the earth onto which Georgia slapped a “state park” sticker in 1971.
The state park does not own up to its history with slavery or clarify that the “poor farming practices” listed on signage consisted of cotton monoculture. In fact, the park’s website appears to laud its destructive origins, saying that Providence Canyon “is a testament to the power of man’s influence on the land.” This is fundamentally misleading. Georgia must declare slavery’s role in the creation of Providence Canyon instead of dancing around its origins.
Providence Canyon is in Stewart County, near the Alabama border. Wrested from Muscogee (Creek) indigenous people’s land in the early 1830s, the county was briefly prosperous thanks to cotton — 7.6 million pounds were produced in the county in 1850. In fact, Stewart County was among the top three cotton producers in Georgia around this time and the tenth most populous county. But as noted in the Georgia Encyclopedia, the “European-influenced farming practices of the time led to devastating soil erosion in Stewart County,” wrecking the once fertile earth. As the soil quality diminished, so too did the county’s population, making it now the ninth least populated in the state.
And what were those euphemistically named “European-influenced farming practices?” They were cotton fields tended with forced African American slave labor, comprising what Charles S. Aiken calls “the plantation crescent” in southwest Georgia. Paul S. Sutter, an environmental historian at the University of Colorado Boulder, describes in his book how slaveholders resisted advice from agricultural reformers to protect the soil by rotating their crops and manuring the land. Doing so would have diverted precious land and labor from the cotton cash crop. Thus, “slavery and the plantation system led to agricultural methods that depleted the soil” and eventually destroyed it, as Eugene D. Genovese succinctly summarizes in his book.
So what the park service calls a “testament to the power of man’s influence on the land” actually came from greed, exploitation, cruelty and apathy toward sustainable land practices. Of course, you could argue that this was the essence of antebellum Georgia – and the rest of the Deep South — before King Cotton fell. Providence Canyon’s creation can be chalked up as just another scar of history, another example of the economically motivated degradation of land.
But that doesn’t excuse Georgia State Parks’ concealment of the racist origin of Providence Canyon.
Even the parks department’s use of the word “simply” in the phrase “massive gullies as deep as 150 feet were caused simply by poor farming practices during the 1800s” is misleading. It diminishes the role of plantation farming in degrading the land. Worse still is the park service’s “historical” description of the canyon:
“The farmers who scratched out a hard living growing mainly cotton out of the soil here 170 years ago did not know about soil conservation practices such as contour plowing, crop rotation and cover crops. They would be astounded if they could see today what they started with their mule-driven plows.”
“Leave it to southerners to turn a scar into a point of pride,” writes Sutter in a 2010 article about Providence Canyon and other gullies in the Journal of Southern History.
Those who visit Providence Canyon are essentially visiting a more obscured version of Stone Mountain State Park, which contains a memorial carving of Confederate figures etched into the side of a mountain. The difference is the Stone Mountain website acknowledges who those people were. Stone Mountain doesn’t dance around the issue, so those who visit the memorial carving understand that they’re there to see a product of Georgia’s racially fraught past, not a naturally produced wonder.
Georgia State Parks do a disservice to their visitors by withholding Providence Canyon’s true origins. Georgia can’t un-erode Providence Canyon just like it can’t undo its racist history. The state needs to own up to its past and accurately describe how Providence Canyon formed on its websites for the sake of its visitors. They deserve to know the truth.
Its a scar from mistreatment of the runoff and the ignorance of enviromental protection. Has nothing to do with the labor in the field. Do not turn every topic in to hatred and slavery, a lot of good people have died and been mistreated to form this nation, as of many nations before ours. Make a better tomorrow by living for tomorrow.
I would be interested in seeing the photos taken before the gullies were created, supposedly before 1700 and slavery in Georgia, and then photos during and after that time. Or maybe some drawings if photos were not available. Could you email them to me? That would be great proof to show my students. Thanks!
Stone Mountain is awesome to behold. Providence Canyon is beautiful. It is a great lesson in what not to do with your farming practices. Some folks just need to realize that not everything is racist.
This person actually accused erosion of being racist.
Of course! If those farmers had only used hired labor, it would have caused them to use better farming practices, which would have prevented the canyons from forming.
Wow! I was going to visit tomorrow, but since I am a descendant of those enslaved, I think I’ll pass.
This is just propaganda to say that it was the SLAVERY era that caused this erosion. I just left the canyon last week, and the State Park does not avoid the subject of land use ignorance and mistake. Why throw the “slave/race” card into this. Author, to me, is the racist one.
The author obviously is the racist in this article. Take a chill pill and put the race card back In your wallet.
I appreciate learning the true history. I think history should be shared from generation to generation and never be erased. It’s awful that such a thing as slavery existed. Thankfully, no one alive today took part in it or was responsible for it.
I’m just trying to figure out some actual science on this thing like a topographic map and precise timeframe on how this was made.
Ho hum, this laughably biased article is sort of like experiencing re-run episodes of Gilligan’s Island for the umpteenth time.
This article is a lie, there were never any slave plantations at this site. The kaolin clay and iron clay soils would never support cotton corn or any crop on this site. This upland site where Providence Canyons are hills 150 feet higher than the nearby rich Chattahoochee River bottom soils. These sand and kaolin & iron clay soils consisting of highly erodible fine sand on the surface. These are part of the sand hills that was an ancient seashore that separates the piedmont from the coastal plain. Settlers and plantation owners were not that stupid to try and put plantations here in this sand. Any attempt at farming this area would be quickly abandoned to the Chattahoochee River bottoms less than 20 miles away. This article is just woke propaganda by someone who sees everything through the lens of race. And is ignorant of farming. It is an attempt to propagate a myth that somehow slaves had something to do with it. The land was quickly abandoned by even individual small holders with little prior farming experience. Any farmer who attempted to plant in these surface sand hills would have quickly gone broke and could not afford a slave. This article is ridiculous.
People are getting triggered at the mention of slave labor. Let’s be real, plantation owners who wanted every ounce of profit won’t care about good farming practices. Neither human life or nature were important compared to profits. It’s on brand.
Farmers often feel direct connection to their land. Less so “farmers” who don’t work the land. Less so “farmers” who don’t work their land and have a cash crop… Produce as much as fast as possible… even on “not the best” soils… And don’t rotate anything (which would reduce the yield of cotton). Your sharp commenter above indicates that such practices would quickly destroy the land – were he there then – they would have still ignored him – the draw of the immediate cash was too great.
It would be interesting to know where the plantation owners went when they abandoned Stewart County…
So, I’m not following. If this area was caused by poor farming practices.. Were those practices limited to this one relatively small area? That seems unlikely. If those poor practices resulted in the cash cow cotton crop, surely other cash hungry folks would have used the same practices leaving other areas in the same condition. Yet there’s just this one area. Doesn’t really compute for me.
As a southerner in this area, yeh it could be an inconvenient truth of America, and really I could do without it… Yeh, MAYBE slavery existed but I don’t believe it happened anywhere near me in the SE region, and besides nobody I know got rich or affected. For the love of it all, I just want to see the park, enjoy the scenery and not have to think about this stuff because we should just focus on the future at this point. Just slap a happy face sticker on it lets move on
What happened to all the pre-civil war mansions that these slave owners must have had?
Many of the posts bring up questions I had. Being raised in midwest farm country, that land has been farmed forever. Questions: most of Georgia was cotton plantations. Why only this area created the gullies? The plantation owners knew what kind of soil they needed. Why plant in an area where the soil was obviously not deep? Where are the old homes, the slave quarters, abandoned equipment or housewares? This didn’t happen over night or even in a season. There should be remains of that life, including, I would think, some stray cotton plants. How wide is this area? Are there signs of farming outside of the canyon? What kind? And lastly, from the photo, this looks like a fairly deep and narrow canyon. Is it getting deeper or had the growth of the trees pretty much stopped the erosion?
I don’t deny that slavery was a bit part of Georgia’s history. I don’t deny that the possibility of bad farming started the erosion. But as one other person noted, this area is the border of coastal plains and piedmont area. It’s base is sandstone with soil on top, not good rock base. It would probably have eroded on its own. Perhaps man speeded up that timetable but breaking the top soil. And maybe the farms in that area, big or small used slave labor, which was not good. Need more records to figure out just why it eroded so relatively fast. Farming, with or without slaves, could not have caused the land to erode that fast.
Wow – thats about the most ridiculous conclusion I’ve ever seen by an author. How biased.
Cause & effect? Seriously? On the flip side, I would agree that “greed” would be right up there, cause the planters used the land and left as soon as it became non-productive & moving on West to Alabama, Mississippi.
The same result would have happened if they had used tractors, should they have been available, in that period. Slave-labor happened to be the mechanism used all across the South, as we all know, during this era. But it was poor farm practice that allowed this sandy soil to erode into what has now became a beautiful landscape of colours for us to admire and learn from. It happens!
* coincidentally, it turns out I recently found that my family was from Stewart County (a physician in the county seat of Lumpkin). What happened to everybody in Stewart County? Everyone (at least my family) lost everything after the War and had to move. And yes, having never recovered, still one of the poorest counties in all of Georgia.
Just because the word slavery is not used does not mean Georgians are oblivious to that time period. Adding the word slavery to the descriptions would not change the fact that erosion caused this area to change. The author is missing the point of the creation of the area. It had nothing to do with slavery created it.
Farming practices led to this. No matter the crop, we can agree slave labor was primarily used in the farming industry during this time White Georgians ignored science that were warned of the devastation to the land for money just as they were warned of climate change today. Ignoring science and facts for a dollar has consequences.
Idiots slaves didn’t live in plantations so that’s why plantations weren’t in the area. Slaves lived however the owners let them live. Owners lived in the plantations which were and are all over the state of Georgia.