Author Archives

O. Rose Broderick

O. Rose Broderick

Rose writes about energy and the environment with a particular focus on the local-level impacts of climate change. You can find her work in Slate, Scientific American, and the Christian Science Monitor. An Ohio native, Rose spends her free time eating ice cream and plotting bike trips.

February 21, 2023

Global migraine rates have risen 40% in 20 years, but neurologists are skeptical that the increase is real

February 20, 2023

Delayed evacuation orders and a dearth of Spanish-language weather programming left many in the Hispanic community unprepared

February 17, 2023

A local New York City nonprofit is working to make the region a shellfish haven after decades of declining oyster populations

October 10, 2022

The laureates’ work highlights both the necessity and instability of banks in the modern economy


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