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Rachel Nuwer • January 10, 2011
Hydropower might help the region but risks loss of biodiversity and a way of life
Francie Diep • December 30, 2010
A look at one uranium mine shows how difficult it will be to clean up the reservation’s hundreds of abandoned Cold War-era mines
Francie Diep • December 23, 2010
Ecologists are looking to herbaria, the world’s historical libraries of preserved plants, to see how plants are reacting to global warming
Mary Beth Griggs • December 22, 2010
The Clelia II’s recent troubles in Antarctic waters bring up questions about tourism regulation in the Antarctic
Rachel Nuwer • December 16, 2010
Farming of exotic animals has not solved Vietnam’s illegal wildlife trade predicament
Rose Eveleth • December 8, 2010
Zoos can help save species, but are they only saving the ones we like?
Rachel Nuwer • November 9, 2010
Overfishing has led Indian fisheries to rely on less marketable species for profit — a practice that could have severe ecological consequences
Mara Grunbaum • July 23, 2010
Researchers say human urine works great as sustainable fertilizer
Valerie Ross • July 16, 2010
Pharmaceutical research is taking to the high seas
Mike Orcutt • June 21, 2010
Researchers show the cash crop could be a promising source of biofuel
Alex Liu and Mike Orcutt • June 11, 2010
Make way for the electric vehicle
Olivia Koski and Katie Peek • May 31, 2010
Once on the brink of extinction, bald eagles are making a home for themselves near New York City
Zach Gottlieb • April 26, 2010
Completion of the Brachypodium distachyon genome should help in food and energy production
Anna Rothschild • April 23, 2010
New laws aimed at increasing the quality of life for New York City's horses threaten the future of Brooklyn's last stable.
Ariel Bleicher • March 28, 2010
The findings suggest the American Southwest is headed for prolonged drought