Do those Phiten titanium necklaces actually enhance athletic ability and promote healing?
Asks Alex from NYC
Stuart Fox • October 6, 2008
![Can Phiten necklaces make you win a baseball game? Is voodoo real? <br>[Credit Alan Sung]](
Can Phiten necklaces make you win a baseball game? Is voodoo real?
[Credit Alan Sung]
With baseball heading toward the World Series and the NFL just getting started, not a day goes by without a televised sporting event. And people watching those games may notice an odd fashion accessory: the Phiten titanium necklace. The necklaces are sported most prominently by Matt Hasselbeck of the Seattle Seahawks, Joba Chamberlain of the New York Yankees and Josh Beckett of the Boston Red Sox, who believe that they enhance their physical and mental abilities. And they probably do, but more for psychological than physiological reasons.
In 1982 Yoshihiro Hirata, an alternative medicine practitioner, founded Phiten, the company that sells his titanium-infused products. The necklaces first gained prominence in Japan, where they are still popular with athletes. According to the company, the necklaces and bracelets work by stabilizing the electric flow that nerves use to communicate actions to the body. “All of the messages in your body travel through electricity, so if you’re tired or just pitched nine innings, the electricity isn’t flowing as smoothly as it can,” said Joe Furuhata, a Phiten spokesman. “Our products smooth out those signals.”
While many sports stars believe the necklaces give them luck, not everyone is convinced. Many doctors and scientists say there is no scientific evidence supporting Phiten’s theory. “There’s no science and physiology,” said Dr. Orrin Sherman, chief of sports medicine at the New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases. “There’s just no way the chemical structure of the body can be influenced by magnets that small. It’s all superstitions with no scientific basis.”
Sherman noted that when people interact with magnets far more powerful than the Phiten necklaces, like the magnets in a CT (computerized tomography) scan machine, for instance, they do not report any of the effects pitchers and quarterbacks say they receive from the necklace.But while the physiology behind the necklaces doesn’t hold up to scientific scrutiny, that doesn’t mean they do not help. Athletes are a superstitious lot. From Craig Biggio, who did not wash his batting helmet for an entire season, to Wade Boggs, who would only eat chicken before games, athletes love all manners of hokum and voodoo. If the players think they are getting an advantage from the necklace and that gives them increased confidence, then they do in fact get a positive boost from the product. “You’ve gotta believe in placebo effect,” said Sherman.
So maybe science shouldn’t stop Hideki Okajima of the Boston Red Sox from wearing three necklaces whenever he takes the mound. Sure, the necklaces don’t actually alter the electric flow in the body, but as any player who has stopped shaving during the playoffs can attest, when you’re winning, you don’t want to change a thing.
I am an avid tennis player and I have always had stiffness on the right side of my neck and my right shoulder blade always hurt. I started wearing a phiten necklace and the pain and stiffness virtually disappeared. I took the necklace off just a couple of days ago and both the pain and stiffness returned, when I put the necklace back on I started feeling better immediately.
I am what you would call a skeptic, if it can’t be proven then it is not true; that is because of my scientific and technical training. I must say it still baffles me that this thing actually works but it has made a believer out of me. It is also a lot cheaper than my chiropractor!!!
The MANY yea -sayers.almost everyone of them, speak from experience whilst the few nay-sayers….with but 2(?) exceptions dont—-so.sounds good enough for this sheillah—..I will buy and try one.
where do I get those $7 jobbers?? an old ornery Aussie,,,B
Years ago it was magnets and then came the copper bracelets and necklaces, and after that came Magna pendants and now we have Titanium. I’m sorry but it’s all the same hype and placebo at work. However, if a placebo or good luck charm gives you the psychological boost to perform even 2% better then hey more power to you. Just don’t spend do much chasing these miracle solutions.
I got one of these a few year’s back from Dick’s as a gift. I asked for it, so it’s not like it was uncalled for. I assumed it wouldn’t work, but wanted to give it a shot. I wasn’t trying to cure anything specific, except maybe to help with occasional neck pain from sleeping funny. After wearing it regularly, I got sick with something like strepp throat, but the culture came back negative and the doctor chalked it up as something else “viral”. A number of days later I formed an abscess in my neck. I was willing to call it a coincidence, and move on. So I put the necklace back on this past fall and started wearing it regularly again. I almost immediately started with feverish episodes that would come and go, with several days in between. During the non-feverish periods I experienced a lot of little respiratory infections and even another “viral” thing in my eyes (was not conjunctivitus). It’s been a truly trying month or two. I’m not claiming the necklace is at fault, but I’m done with it, if for nothing else, than for the bad luck.
It should be noted that I am severely allergic to metals that contain nickel, so pretty much anything except gold, silver, titanium, but stainless steel somehow bothers me. I wear a titanium watch fine. I wonder if there is somehow some nickel in this necklace. That doesn’t really make a lot of sense regarding my symptoms, but it is interesting nonetheless.
I think it works… Well some told me that it will work with some ppl and it wont work with some ppl…not too sure bout that…well i had this sore leg coz i’ve been walking the whole day in shopping centres for 5 days… after i bought and wore it for more than 30 minutes, the pain at my leg had almost gone!! I was amazed… well it is up to u, readers whether to believe it or not… i suggest u to try 1 urself…
I recently bought a Phiten bracelet hoping it would ease some pain in my right hand from being on the computer too long typing up real estate contracts. I’ve only been wearing it a week, but it seems to be helping me so far.
All these anecdotal stories are nice, but some double blind studies showing that this product does anything more than produce a placebo effect would be nice. My guess is that the manufacturer has no interest in doing such studies (or incentive), and the product is harmless enough that no one else will bother.
I’m a high school baseball player and recently our team has had winter camps for varsity players. In the morning before school we have pitching camp and hitting after. Just a few days ago our pitching coach had me throw the ball in a slightly diffrent manner and it caused my shoulder to be sore. I bought a necklace form Dick’s and the pain has already gone. These things work!!
Hi All,
I’m from Malaysia & I’m a proud user of Phiten Product. I am currently using the X45 Shingo Limited Edition & the Sports Bracelet.
At 1st I was very skeptical of the product, cause here in Malaysia the price of the neckless is not cheap! RM 195.00 which is more than my 2 day salary. But when I went to the phiten shop for Weight lifting test, I could immediately feel the results.
I too am a runner and before I used Phiten my 30KM run took me about 4 hours 30 minutes but now few months later my 30KM is about 3 hour 30+ minutes & that is about 1 hour lesser than my original record.
On the other side of this story, I often get headache at least 1 time a week & about 4-5 times a month but since I started to use Phiten I only get a headache about once in 2-3 months. Do note that my wife is very thankful to phiten cause now she can rest her hands from massaging my head.
What I’m trying to say here is that you have to test it out, if you don’t you just won’t know. I’m not sure why I’m trying to convince you all, but it is your lost if you don’t at least try it.
P/s: My wife now is a Phiten user as well and she loves it.
let me tell you guys about my experience. like most of you here, at first i was a skeptic. here in the philippines, x30s cost around $60 USD. they’re really not cheap! and if you’re a skeptic, you wont buy one and that’s for sure. good thing the phiten shop here had a sale for 1 day only and i bought my x30 for only $20 USD. prior to wearing this necklace, i’ve had shoulder pains for atleast 3 years. and i have already accepted the fact that there’s nothing i can do anymore to stop the pain. i was wrong. after wearing my x30 necklace for just a day or two, the pain disappeared totally! and again, like most of you here, i just cant explain how this little necklace helped. but what im sure about is that with full honesty, the pain is now gone. i really cant blame those guys saying that this is just a fad bla bla bla and this cant any way help. i was like you before trying out this necklace. if this thing sells cheap in your country, i suggest you try it out first.
I just bought one out of curiosity while i was at Dicks sporting goods,im not that active but i just wanted it to see if it would help some of my aching and soreness.Everyone’s body reacts differently to different treatments, i gotta say it did help a little but of course i could just exercise and it would help much better.All in all the japanese guys who made it do have some experience on how their product reacts otherwise no one would by them,just because pro athletes are wearing them ppl are thinking,oh i should try that.Exactly TRY IT for a little and then see if it works.You cant judge something or make a conclusion if you havent experimented.Also im not a firm believer in asian medicine but they are pretty smart,im asian too and not to sound stereotypical but im pretty sure that little asian guy in the lab spent ALOT of time testing, re-testing till he came to a conclusion it would HELP(keyword).They have similar bracelets in Korea that have 2 balls at the end for similar symptoms and my uncle had one,he said it helped,i dunno about gone FOREVER but it helps.But all in all exercise is the best way to keep in shape,i really dislike ppl who buy these cause big pro athletes are sporting them,i have a black one on right now actually cause my neck and jaw is sore from sleeping in weird positions and its slowly loosening up.Im not bashing anyone,just giving my experience with the product…Damn this comments long hope u guys read it through=)
I just purchased 3 necklaces based on the testimony of my friend who is a pro golfer with back issues. Although a skeptic, he bought one at a golf expo and now swears by it. I purchased these knowing there was no scientific evidence. I did so on the basis of a friend’s personal experience. I am one of “those people” who believes healing begins in the mind. I believe the necklace has helped everyone who claims it has (for whatever reason). My husband and I have been wearing them only one day and haven’t noticed any changes, but aren’t giving up just yet. We know what we are getting into when we purchase something with and unproven claim. It’s our prerogative. I found this site googling for data. It is amazing how many negative people there are who find it necessary to rant such negative and nasty comments to seemingly nice people taking time to comment on personal experience. Someone should develop a “happy pill” for them! :)
I am a high school athlete who has just recentely (1 week or so) just bought the Phiten Stars bracelet and the black/white Tribal Necklace.I believe in the Phiten Technology because I run 8 miles a day at a medium/ kinda fast pace and all the time came home to aching schins and headaches on cold days.Ever since i bought Phiten, i havnt had any problem or pain in my athletic high school every day life, even if i do long distance track/marathons/or baseball.I bel;ieve in this necklace and are going to order Phiten’s Tsunami Necklace. (3 phitens combined). :)
I think you all are morons
For people who believe it works, it does! For people who don’t believe it works, it doesn’t! There’s simply no science to support any claims regarding phiten at all, so it can only work if you BELIEVE! So, just for fun, I made a little voodoo doll with a phiten necklace and bracelet to represent all the “believers” out there. If the technology seems to stop working… you know why!
But hey, there’s other technology that we don’t need science to believe in out there. Try probalance, or maybe a lucky rabbit’s foot. If phiten could have only infused a rabbit’s foot with titanium it would have worked (so much luckiness in one location)! Plus, I’d just love to see PETA showing up to protest cruelty to bunnies at various sporting events.
I am in an organic chemistry class and we spent our last class period discussing the claimed chemistry behind these necklaces and found multiple flaws. Many of the processes used to create these are simply chemically IMPOSSIBLE. Do some actual research on how they work and, even with a little chemistry background, you will discover how false these actually are. They are a waste of money.
Dont buy from ebay they are fakes imitations thats why they dont work
Colin – thanks for noticing the reference to RADIATION as magnetism. The rest of the article… whatever. But that was ridiculous, thinking that someone might go out looking for a radiation dose thinking they are getting a magnetic dose. Ahhhhh!
You all need to stop arguing about these stupid necklaces. You all sound like little children who are trying to bring down a company. If you are arguing so much about these stupid necklaces, just try them out.
yes phiten work any of you who say they dont are stupid I’m a runner and baseball player and 2 days after i got a new one hit a walk off homer that got my team 1st place. So prove me wrong but i say they work.
i use to have a sore penis after jerking off and after i used this necklace it all went away, im so excited, i can masterbate so much more now! =)
Now I have never used one of these products and I’m not claiming to be some sort of expert on them, I’m just simply asking a question. For everyone who insists on demanding lab results from elaborate experiments why is that the only resource you’ll use to dis/prove the abilities of this product? I’ve always found that tests preformed “on the field” always hold more water then ones done on paper…
I would also like to state I do agree that tests in laboratories are valid and serve as a competent source of information. I’m just trying to remind people to think freely and without limitation.
I picked up cycling about 6 months ago. Since then every weekend I have been riding at least 150km. And a lot of them are hill climbs. This has caused my bicep tendon on my right knee to be inflamed and with minor tear. Each time this happens I will be out for at least 2 weeks and fully on meds from the sports clinic.
Recently, my fellow cyclist introduced me to Phiten products. Not the necklace but the knee strap with has the titan microbs. I have been strapping the straps onto my knee everyday and only removing it for showers. Since then I have not been having the sharp pains on my tendon anymore. And I don’t even need meds nor painkillers. I am not sure how it works but with it I have been able to continue my trainings with no problems.
So it is up to you to believe or not.
you do know you can gain and loose ions by touching something metal (grounded) or by walking on a carpet right?
Lola, you lost me after “low level ionized radiation.” LOL
it´s a grate placeboo…
Reader Gary Heayes, in Tokyo, Japan, informs us of the latest in nonsense on those shores:
I thought I’d drop you a line about a “new” quack product being marketed widely in Japan right now. The scientific marvel in question is the Phiten necklace. It is a fabric-covered PVC rubber cord that apparently contains powdered titanium. The purported effects of wearing the necklace are increased energy, better blood flow, reduced muscle pain, and supple joints. The product is advertised on national TV, and the company runs a large number of stores selling the necklaces and titanium impregnated underwear, t-shirts, gels, creams and plasters. Many famous Japanese sports persons, including the entire Japanese Olympic volleyball team, wear the products. It’s also being endorsed by major sports personalities (eg Randy Johnson) in the US. The US website is The necklaces sell for about $40.
The Phiten stores use an interesting “test” to convince potential buyers. In an idle moment I went into one of the shops and let the staff demonstrate the miracle to me. They have a brown paper carrier bag that contains a brick shaped object wrapped up in newspaper and tape. They ask you to stand, extend your arm and lift the bag from a chair. You then put the bag down, and they drape the necklace across your arm and ask you to lift the bag again. It’s supposed to be easier with the necklace on your body. Three of my Japanese work colleagues were so impressed by this that they bought the necklaces and eagerly repeated the demonstration around the office.
Randi comments: This is the old “Applied Kinesiology” scam, for which Gary has a rather good explanation:
I have an idea why this “test” might appear to work. When a person tries to pick up an object the brain makes a rough guess as to how much strength it’s going to require. With an unknown object wrapped in paper, we have no idea how much it’s going to weigh. The Phiten brick is actually quite heavy, and most people are likely to underestimate the effort required. The test with the necklace draped over the arm is always the second attempt, by which time our brain has recalculated and knows exactly how much effort is required. Hence it seems much easier to lift.
I also let the Phiten staff smear “titanium” gel on my neck and shoulders since I had bad neck pain that day. The shop assistant was rather startled when I reported that the pain hadn’t instantly gone away. She stuck some titanium stickers on me and told me to give it more time. Well, that didn’t work either. The whole thing is just a modern reworking of the familiar magnetism quackery, which incidentally also has a large following here in Japan. Interestingly, a chain of discount stores is now selling a knockoff non-branded rubber necklace that contains not only titanium but also powdered tourmaline (Why? For the negative ions, of course!) at 100 yen (about 90 cents). Just goes to show what the markup on Phiten necklaces must be.
Thanks for all your valuable work and your fascinating website. It’s good to know there are people out there battling the forces of ignorance and hogwash.
The apparent success of “Applied Kinesiology” goes further than this, however. When I get the time, I’ll tell you about my first encounter with this nonsense, back in New Jersey, about 1973….
Junk science abounds on the Phiten website. For example:
Phiten proprietary technology, PTi (patent pending), results in an aqueous solution of titanium that is considered insoluble in water. Our most popular series of products employ fibers deeply impregnated with aqueous titanium solution to help relax your muscles.
A lie, plain and simple. Titanium is a very hard, corrosion-resistant, silvery metal, atomic number 22, insoluble in water — no matter what these idiots claim. Oh, but don’t doubt that they’ll get a patent on their “proprietary technology.” It doesn’t have to actually work, to get a patent; it just has to sound good to the clerks at the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Science should be looked at with an open mind. Even the top scientists admit they do not know everything and are often proven wrong. That’s what makes science, trial and error.
What is bothering me is people here are being called stupid because they found something that helped them. If a placebo works, is it really a placebo? Check your research, medical science is starting to accept that placebos are actually working. Our minds are incredible and can do more than anyone can imagine. Have an open one, and don’t be cruel to your fellow humans.
Does the “radiation” produced cause cancer or anything crazy like that?
I was skeptical of Phiten at first until I put one on! It was truly amazing the difference I felt. I felt so good that I decided to eat the necklace. If it does such good things on the outside it should really do wonderful things on the inside! Now after a major surgery to remove the necklace from my small intestine I can recommend that you keep it on the outside. I won’t ever try to eat another necklace again. Maybe a bracelet but not a necklace.
Recently my father bought a necklace and put it on. He woke up with a severe headach stating he thought his head was going to explode. Has anyone experienced that affect or has heard of any info on negative affects of using the necklace? Maybe because of pre-exising medical conditions or a certain type of medication being used?
Boston will win over Lakers tonight!!!
Does that sound more skeptical than this Phiten thing????
Beat LA.
Lakers win
Ok so my boyfriend just gave me a Phiten necklace and I love it :) I didn’t know they existed untill he got a job ad a Hibbett Sports sales man and he got him one. I love it and I have felt better since I put it on! I know that their is always going to be people out there who don’t believe things work the way they have been said to work but the people who believe it works…well…just let them be :) I believe it works and I will not say otherwis! People shouldn’t put other peoples oppions done :) every one has one and everyone may not agree with everyone so get over it because…well thats just called life :) I have no idea about the facts and studies about these necklaces but I have one, its purple which is my favorite color, the love of my life bought it for me, and I have honestly felt better since he put it on me :) if you pick to believe it or not…don’t put down others for likng a product that you may not like :)
I used to be in constant back pain. from Mid day to the end of the day due to the type of work I do. When I first purchased this product I thought well lets give it a try. 1st day I have to admit pain was still there but at least 20% to 30% better. and by the end of the week, with out even thinking about it. I was pain free. it has been almost 1 year, and I don’t have any problem with my back.
Okay, i recently bought this necklace from the phiten shop. before i bought this product i was infected with AIDS, genital herpes, and lung cancer, because i was a heavy smoker. after wearing this product for about seven days, my herpes was gone! after another day, it cured my aids! a week later my lung cancer vanished and i no longer had the urge to smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day! even this morning i opened up my front door and there was one hundred thousand canadian dollars sitting on my porch! i definetly reccomend this product, but on the downside, it doesnt ease my shoulder pain
this dosent work its all in ur head
My favorite quote “I’ve got a Masters in Cell Biology and Anatomy” OK so your point is what? What science knows right now at this moment says it does not work. Big surprise, Science is always changing, and the next “new discovery” always seems to negate the last one. Eggs are good…no they are bad….no just the yolk is bad, so eat the white…Ok wait we were wrong, it is all good….. Science is an on going journey into the unknown. It is no surprise to find out that leeches don’t cure sickness (not counting circulation use), although science said they used to, Mercury can make you sick, and asbestos will cause cancer. Science at one time endorsed all of it…and it was FACT because they have a masters in….whatever, so they are right! You name it, what science said was a fact at one time, all too often turns out to be wrong. My point? Just because you think you KNOW something today, does not mean it will hold true for tomorrow. That nifty piece of paper on the wall, while impressive, does not make anyone 100% right. AS for these bracelets, and stuff. Put one on, if it works keep it, if it does not throw it out. Until you do, you don’t KNOW jack. Radiation does not work on all types cancer for everyone….does that mean that we should call it a farce and quit using it? Oh I know you can SEE the cancer go away. Huh, here is a thought use that degree to come up with a way to image pain, then apply this contraption, and see if there is a decrease. Use that masters degree!
I just had to chime in here. I got one of these necklaces for my wife. I made sure that I got one that was too small for her neck size. When she puts it on it only takes about FIVE MINUTES for her to pass out and I FEEL MUCH BETTER.
No one is wrong here – Obviously, if you have used this product and it has done something for you, then you find it effective and beneficial. That does not mean, however, that it has proven benefits for every person that uses it.
To the educated individuals – I agree with you, I want scientific proof. I want a double-blind study done to see if there are any sound physical benefits (separate from mental influences).
To Laura – A placebo is a placebo if it does not alter the physical body, but the individual feels effects due to the power of suggestion.
I tried to find any credible scientific evidence, and was unable to find any studies or journals on the subject. What a lot of people here are failing to recognize is that not everyone wants to try it to see if it works, and if it doesn’t work for everyone, then the benefits must be a product of suggestion. No, science is not always correct, but the scientific method of testing for the effectiveness of a product does work, which is why we want to see a real study.
As far as I can see, the general consensus is that the phiten product has some effect on most people. Scientifically speaking, my background in Physiology and Neuroscience tells me that there is a high likelihood that phiten has no effect on the body in a purely physical sense. I do however, believe that it does create a highly effective placebo effect for many people, which might make it worth 25 bucks.
To all those who don’t believe, this is my testimonial:
I bought a phiten baseball series from china. It’s known to be fake as it was only being sold at 25 cents. Guess what? My penis was enlarged!!! from a limited length of 3 inches, it became 8 inches. Considering that the one I used is a fake, how much more if it had been an authentic original one.
I love phiten!!!!!
You know, I sell Phiten products. Our company is actually their largest distributor. I have seen more cases then I can count of these products actually working in people lives to relieve pain and discomfort that some have had for many years. These things work. Give them a shot, you may be surprised yourself.
Tommy Mayo
Okay, i’m not saying I used my Phiten correctly or that others should try this, but i fashioned mine into a snug little ‘ring’ to fit a certain ‘member’ of my anatomy and I can’t believe the results! My member is huuuuge now, and he can ‘run a marathon’ all night long. I’ve tried other rings made of metal or leather and they don’t really do anything, but my Phiten C Ring has given me more length, girth and stamina than I could have ever imagined possible. Thanks Phiten!
For months now I’ve been trying to figure out what has kept my unicorns from being able to fly. I thought it had something to do with their diet because we’d switched from Lucky Charms to a generic brand they seemed to like just as well. After switching back, they still weren’t flying and I was pissed because I thought I’d been sold a bunch of worthless, lazy unicorns. Out of desperation I picked up a couple of these Phiten necklaces and pieced them together to make a “harness” for and I couldn’t believe the results. Within minutes they were all flying and even seemed to have more energy than ever before. I am a believer in this technology and no one can convince me otherwise, I mean seriously, look how many people buy them, they must be the real deal. Evidently it works on leprechauns too, our little fella was blind before we fitted him with one of these necklaces, it now has 20/20 vision and can even see through walls without corrected lenses.
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Simply tell us how Phiten has helped you (or can help you) improve your daily life.
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Lets not be skeptical ,u just got to wear one to believe what it can do for u! science are not 100%! science are nothing that great afterall!
traditional Chinese medicine are used thousands of years. the science could sometimes not even able to figure the content of the herbs.
but once they do,they will extract them and used its extracts and add a bit here and there and sell for 100s and that is science.
Chinese needle acupuntures are used for thousand years, the science cant proof anything and it works great for many….. so what is science?
i had severe neck pain and its all gone when i started to wear a titanium necklace. No more pain….. Yes i am a believer…. But the necklace is not phiten just a regular ti necklace that cost 3 times less and i have no plan to switch to phiten.
In the article it states that “Sherman noted that when people interact with magnets far more powerful than the Phiten necklaces, like the magnets in a CT (computerized tomography) scan machine”. This is incorrect there are no magnets in the CT scanner. CT scanners use x-rays however a MRI units use magnets. I did not read the rest on the article.
I am 15 yrs old andi run on my highschools cross country team. I have found through wearig a phiten necklace some days and not wearing it other days that for me it works. On the days I wear Itib feel less sore during the run and after the run than on days I don’t wear it. For me it works and I have done through testing on my own.
Sorry about the typo’s. I typed this on my iPhone. But it does work for me.
from where we can buy it?