Author Archives

Roni Jacobson

Roni Jacobson

Roni Jacobson graduated from Emory University with a B.A. in psychology. Following a stint teaching Arabic in Minnesota, she started work as a behavior therapist at the Marcus Autism Center, where she learned about research methodology and gathered material for some gripping stories. Roni has worked in mental health policy at The Carter Center for the past year, and is excited to have found an outlet for her experiences at SHERP.

July 1, 2013

And what to expect if your results are positive

March 9, 2013

People with mental illness and nicotine addiction struggle to kick the habit

February 20, 2013

Do post-menopausal women deserve the credit for humans’ long life span?

January 29, 2013

Lack of certainty about the diagnosis leads many families to look outside mainstream medicine

January 4, 2013

Housing New York’s transient mentally ill

November 30, 2012

With nothing to do, mink turn to lounging and binging

November 19, 2012

Differences in chimpanzee and human punishing behaviors


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