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Stephanie Warren • October 26, 2010
Genetic tweaks could someday let us farm the tundra
Alex Liu • June 7, 2010
Spiders might scare you, but you might need them more than you realize.
Anna Rothschild • May 26, 2010
Male Asian corn borer moths mimic predatory bats to mate with females
Valerie Ross • March 31, 2010
Mother crickets forewarn offspring of predators before they hatch
Mara Grunbaum • March 22, 2010
It’s hard out there for a symbiotic barnacle, but somehow they find a way
Ferris Jabr • March 14, 2010
Digging up the secrets of a plant that senses, moves and digests without nerves, muscles or a stomach
Anna Rothschild • March 10, 2010
Genetic evidence shows environment, not humans, killed off Arctic beasts
Ferris Jabr • March 7, 2010
Before 'Avatar' could hit the silver screen, it needed one plant scientist’s green thumbs up
Ferris Jabr • February 28, 2010
Biologists use cat food to recruit omnivorous ants in their battle against invasive cane toads
Ariel Bleicher • February 26, 2010
Could garage biology inspire a new generation of inventors?
Emily Elert • February 18, 2010
Records show that we're getting faster, but does the human body have a natural speed limit? And if a biological law exists, how long until people try to break it?
Mara Grunbaum • February 16, 2010
Fledgling birding project is the next generation in citizen science
Ariel Bleicher • February 15, 2010
Boozing Bats Are Still Expert Fliers
Anna Rothschild • February 11, 2010
Recent research on slime molds shows that they can make complex decisions about nutrition
Mara Grunbaum • February 7, 2010
Spiky echinoderms use spines for complex vision