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April 10, 2015

Scientists are working on turning harmful algae blooms intro practical energy sources

April 3, 2015

Cows munching grass instead of corn could cut nitrogen pollution

February 9, 2015

The debris littering this historic island is just a tiny part of a global littering problem

January 25, 2014

The first National River faces the threat of pollution from a large pig farm

May 24, 2012

The Chicago River is well on its way to environmental recovery, but there is still work to be done

October 27, 2011

As historic pollutants ebb in the Arctic, poisons from fossil fuels are taking their place

October 17, 2011

Light pollution threatens humans, animals

December 30, 2010

A look at one uranium mine shows how difficult it will be to clean up the reservation’s hundreds of abandoned Cold War-era mines

October 5, 2010

Living near major roadways may increase the risk of dying of coronary heart disease


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