Is it true that having cold sores means you’ve got herpes in your mouth?
--asks Anonymous from Horseshoe Beach, Florida.
Julie Leibach • September 18, 2006
So much for lipstick! [CREDIT: CDC]
Well, yes, that is true. But it’s not necessarily the same herpes that causes problems in one’s nether regions.
Cold sores, or fever blisters, are fluid-filled blisters that appear on or around the lips and sometimes on the nostrils or chin. They’re different from canker sores, which are ulcers that occur in the soft tissue inside the mouth.
The culprit responsible for cold sores is the herpes simplex virus, which comes in two flavors. Garden variety cold sores are usually caused by type 1, while type 2 is commonly the villain behind genital sores. But either strain can lead to sores on the face or on the genitals. Over 85 percent of adults are infected with herpes simplex type 1, although they may not show any symptoms at first exposure.
The herpes simplex virus that causes herpes labialis (that’s the medical name for cold sores) is a sneaky sucker. It infects by entering through skin or mucous-coated surfaces and sets up house in your nerve cells. It’s a latent virus, meaning once it’s infected you, it remains dormant between outbreaks.
The life of a cold sore involves several stages. Warning signs that one is about to raise its blistery head include itching, tingling, and burning. Then the blister appears, starting small and often growing to a bulbous mass. After a few days, the mass breaks and may ooze—this is called the “weeping” stage—after which it scabs over a few times and eventually flakes off to reveal pinkish, healing skin. Generally, cold sores don’t leave scars. On average, lesions last 7-10 days if left untreated.
The bad news is that once you’ve got the cold sore virus, you’re stuck with it. But there are ways to keep it in hibernation longer, and you can also take steps to reduce the amount of time cold sores taint your kisser.
First of all, herpes labialis is most contagious when cold sores are in their weeping stage, so don’t go around sharing utensils, cups, or kisses with someone who has a cold sore. Second, fever, menstruation, stress, and even sun exposure can cause outbreaks, so leading a healthy lifestyle—which includes getting enough sleep and wearing sunscreen—can help.
There are over-the-counter and prescription topical creams and oral medications available that can help reduce the lifespan of a cold sore. Acyclovir is one prescription oral drug that is sometimes used. It works by interfering with viral replication, which happens before a cold sore appears. But viral replication generally occurs before a person shows symptoms, so it’s difficult to judge when acyclovir should be taken. If a cold sore is already present, it may be too late for acyclovir to help, and you’ll just have to ride it out.
Herpes simplex virus type 1 less commonly causes other problems besides cold sores. While it can lead to sores anywhere on the skin, as well as on the eye, in rare cases it can also cause neurological disorders, including encephalitis and Bell’s palsy, a type of facial paralysis. Given these alternatives, a little cold sore doesn’t seem too bad, does it?
Got a question for us? ASK!
ive gotten 2 cold sores in my entire life im almost 25 yrs old and im pregnant wit my 4th child jus had all those std tests done and i do not have herpes. but i was wondering what else cold cause me to get cold sores. had 1st cold sore at age 12 2nd at 24(12 yrs in between…
what else causes cold sores besides herpes
Never had cold sores, though everyone I know has them. I probably have the virus, though. It just seems like it doesn’t ever wanna wake up :P My body must be uber comfy or something.
does vygone really work?!?
hey im 16 years old and have been suffering from fever blisters/cold sores since i was 11. I’ve never understood why this has happened to me. Everytime i get one i feel like its the end of the world and i just want to hide until its gone. But reality is i cant just hide away for a week or two. I usually get them every 9 or 10 months but sometimes more frequently. I have researched the enternet up and down but i am really sceptical of what really works. I have been taking the l-lysine for about 4 months now and a take one 1,000 mg tablet a day but unfortunatly that isnt working for me since i have a c.s. right now. I have heard of this appliance called vygone and it claims to zap the cold sore away before it starts to get worse. The price for it is around 150 bucks so i dont want to buy it if its doesnt really work. So I was just wondering if there is anybody out there that uses this product and if actually really works. I hope there is something out there that really works for me because I feel like a total outkast and today our society is SO judgemental its almost unbearable. For everybody out there that suffers from these ungodly horrible things I know how you feel. Nothing is wrong with us i guess you can say we just got unlucky. Hopefully one day they will make a cure for this but until then just try and keep your head up!!!!
I got cold sores at 24 on my hand from a jacket at a camping trip…very odd.
when the dr tests you for HS they don’t test for simplex 1, so Robin, you got HS1 if you have cold sores, nothing else breaks out like that. I also had a facial out break when I was about due with my baby, and dr warned me not to let ANY fluid from the sores touch the baby, b/c brain damage and no immunities. That son contracted HS1 from a dirty utensil at a dirty ‘friend’s house. he was herpes free for 20 years, the first outbreak was monstrous on his face, as is common. I have been outbreak free for years and lately, I hurt my back and whole body was physically low and then the sun caused herpes to show up on my chin…still fighting it 7 weeks later with massive doses valcycolvir 2 grams twice a day and denavir cream. got some acyclovir ointment coming from dr. so, all you guys, it can be worse. thank G-d yours is light. unfortunately
that same virus, the family of herpes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, shingles, chicken pox, hs1 and hs2 are stupid nasty virus’ hiding in our blood. PS an acid diet causes it to come on strong, so stop oranges, strawberries, and dairy. read up on alkaline foods. and take L-lysine
hey guys man i hate getting cold sores they are the worst i have been gettin them since i was like 5 or 6 im 17 rite now im a cute guy and like to party and club (at a teens club) but when i get one i just want to hide from everyone, i have 4 other siblings but im the only child who gets them :( i wish sum1 could cure cold sores once and for all!!
and i usually get them no more than twice a year i get them when the weather is cold though, i have friends who get them too, i have one right now and i hate goin to skool like this X( im so glad im not the only who feels this way thanks guys :)
I too get them and have gotten them most of my life. A majority of my family gets them as well! I have heard valtrex works, but i have also had a dentist use a laser on them when i first get them and i have never gotten them again in those spots!!! it is amazing!!! I currently have one and am annoyed because i didn’t have a chance to go get it zapped! There are very few dentist that use this new tool but i highly recommend it!!!!
so if you can have HSV-1 and not get cold sores and bout 50-80% of all americans have Herpes simplex type 1 then more in likely its not just me who has it?? most of my frineds or family members could possibly have it and not kno…
i try to talk to my mom bout herpes and help her understand more about it but she wont listen i have no one to talk to bout my problems with…
use tea tree oil keep dabbing on it keep the infection at bay and heals quicker
i am 14 years of age i have not had a cole saw for over 6 months and now i have 1 and im really scared beacuse it covers the whole bottom of my lip does enybody no how to get rid of them ????
to get rid of your cold sores when it starts to tingle put vineigar on it and when it has come out put smoothlip cream on it, it really does work the next day….:)
Hey there. My name is Marc. I am 22-years-old. Here is the thing, I have had cold sores for over 21-years. I’ve learned to accept that I have it. Best thing you can do before you date someone, is let them know you have it, because if you don’t that is actually illegal. Also. You need to accept the fact that you have them and move on with your life and stop being embarrassed. 2nd, Go out and buy Super Lysine Plus(+). It has Garlic in it which actually kills the Cold Sore Faster. Other thing you can do is avoid taking, hot hot showers or baths, therefore causing Irritation to the skin. You can also take A Washcloth with semi-hot water and some hand soap and dab it on or around the cold-sore area where it is infected, itching, burning. Also — take ice cubes and hold them on there. HSV-1 is normal for everybody to have. Some just don’t break out. Try to avoid lots of high-anxiety situations and stress, Stress being the main culprit due to the outbreak of HSV-1. I hope this helps you guys.
i only get these annoyin bumps on my mouth when i’m really sick, stress or sometimes when i have an allergic reaction?? so i kno how it feels although I’m not sure if i have herpes or not you guys need to stop worrying herpes type one is a virus juss lik the common flu now herpes type two is a transmitted disease, two completly different things!! you guys hear herpes and act lik its somethin bad but really we should juss call it a virus because thats what it is and it can only be passed on when its active juss lik the flu
This was a good read, with great information.
Ouch. My lips sore. Always the corners of the mouth. No obvious pattern to them apart from they’ve been proper regular just lately. Found this site looking for what the doc will say when I tell her I’ve had one more than 14 days. And now I’m off to have a little burning and burial ceremony for my toothbrush, that should help. And the Lysine. This sounds good…Getting a stash of zovirax ready whenever I feel an itch would be a plan.
Being told that I get them when I’m run down does not really help much. I don’t know when I’m feeling run down, but, like everybody else I presume, just get on with it. I do find that the appearance of a blister, redness or tingling, is a pretty good indicator that somebody I really like is about to show an interest in me. Only innocent flirting mind. The kind which (if I had half decent social skills anyway) could possibly lead to something. But I find myself making an exit, or worse, glazing over and running (mentally) to my cave. I come across as ignorant, and, probably deservably, spend the next 2-3 months cold-sore-and-woman free.
I’m not going to ask for help here, this forum has already provided enough of that (self confidence especially, I was considering becoming a confirmed, rather than reluctant, celibate, but I was) once told that there was some kind of conspiracy about this, in that the makers of acilovir treatment, also made a cure/vaccine, but hid it so that they could make a killing on the cream and pills? This is on the internet, so someone must know about this.
Also, the people proud that they’re in the 15% of people who don’t have it? 1st…why are you here – and if you’ve an answer for that,
why did you comment? Theres lots of diseases which I don’t have, but I can’t think why I’d want to rub sufferers’ noses in anything.
My boyfriend and I didn’t know inactive cold sores could be transferred to the genital area during oral until I was diagnosed with genital herpes.
They’re not “just cold sores.” Please, be careful and avoid doing what we did.
I just got one last night, I started reading this and freaked out :(. To make it worse my bf steals my chapstick when he goes to work! So I had to tell him not to use it cause I have a cold sore, which it quite embarrasing! I have had them before, but not sure when they started. They come from time to time, and this time I assume from the sun. I am a tennis coach and always in weather extremes, makes it hard since I will have this and be talking to parents :(…a lot of my students parents are doctors, and one a OBGYN! FML :( tomorrow stock up on remedies from the drug store!
I have a question I would appreciate an answer to.
About a week ago received oral sex from my boyfriend,
And two days layer he developed a cold sore.
I have never had one in my life, nor do I have herp 1,
Because he developed. Cold sore two days later I am thinking that I may soon develop genital herpes, does this seem to be logical thinking?
Or am I in the clear…
I’m going to go get tested again next week to be sure.
I’m 12, and never had sex. All ive done is kiss. But i get cold sores ALL the time.Even when i dont kiss boys. They even got to the point where i was hospitalized. If you think that picture is gross, mine is 5 times worse and is all around my mouth, && i get several at a time. When i go to school, everybody makes fun of me.. I dont know what to do. I get them at least 3 times a month :/ I sometimes get them when im on my period, which makes things worse cuz im so darn moody && when people ask me what it is i go off :/ .. HELPP!
Im a 17year old girl and I’ve been dealing with this since I was born. My grandma passed it to my mom and then I got it from my mom. My doctor says its genetic and usually you only pass it to one person, ie my gram to my mom and my mom to me. I used to get them almost every month for years till I finally started using abreva and then they died down. When I would get sick or stressed they would flair up worse than usual and they wouldn’t just be on my lips but on my chin. Between my nose and mouth and on the inside of my lips. Then about 2 years ago I started getting hives on my face and chest, and after talking to my doctor apparently my virus had manifested itself into hives also. This is a rare form and I was put on valtrex that helps both but if I get a flare up of either one the other soon follows. I know how people feel but your not alone out there and no matter what anyone says you are not a freak who had confident and don’t get stressed!
Hi everyone, I am a 50 year old woman and Ive had fever blisters and cold sores since childhood. I was the only one in my family who had them. I use peroxide on them.
I don’t wear makeup very often now but when I use my lip pencils and lipstick I often seem to get fever blisters later. I had another bout of cellulitis a few months ago and the fever caused a outbreak of blisters across the bottom of my lower lip. I’ve been getting them frequently since. I am also under stress on a regular basis.
Do I have to throw out this expensive makeup??? I could use disposable lip brushes on new lipstick. But there is no other way to apply lip liner which is a must for me. I have not used them during an outbreak but I have had to after before all traces were gone. I don’t know what to do about this. I’m going to insist my doctor prescribe something. If my new lip makeup is going to get contaminated too at some point tossing it out seems pointless, sigh…
Ok so im kinda scared… i am 12 and i have been getting cold sores all my life but i never thought it was a big deal. Until i just reaserched it and found that it is very rare to get a cold sore on your eye. I get them on my eye half the time that i get cold sores. No doctors ever even believe that it is a coldsore. Does this mean that i have a bad case of herpes?!?!?!
I am in my 20’s. I get cold sores all the time. This time I got 3 cold sores at once. I tried over the counter creams and they did not work. My doctor gave me valtrex and it seems to work, if I take it in time. But I feel like when ever I get them I never want to leave the house and I have yet to see anyone else have them too! Cold sores suck because people say, Gross, you have herpes! That makes me feel like I have an STD, when I don’t. I have had cold sores forever and don’t even know how I got them. But all I do know is I can not help it and have to deal with it when I don’t want to. I wish they would come up with a cure.
I am not sure if anyone will read this comment for a while but I felt it would be a good idea to post anyways.
I have had coldsores since I was a toddler, and I am 22 yrs old now. Guys, you can’t help it when you get outbreaks, there is nothing to be ashamed about and there is DEFINITELY no reason to hide-out! I do not know the statistics on it, but a majority of people have the virus, just some are lucky and it does not show up.
Yes, I think the blisters look ugly, but if someone asked me about them or commented on them I would be informative. They are a virus, they are genetic, and a bit uncomfy.
Just remember, there is nothing to be ashamed about. They are a part of your life, whether or not you want them (which I do not), so just learn to accept them and yourself when you have an outbreak!
I forgot to mention I stumbled on this website because I was researching them as I am having an abnormal break out in my opinion. Yesterday morning I woke up with 5 blisters….no that is not an exxageration. And today, another one decided to join the party, so I am up to 6.
Cold sores on the mouth CAN cause GENITAL HERPES!! A few years ago my brother gave his g/f genital herpes by having oral sex with her when he had a cold sore on his mouth. He does not have genital herpes. She had such a bad intitial case of it, she could not walk and now she has it for life. The docs told them they should have never had oral sex when one has a cold sore on the mouth as it will turn into genital herpes if the virus on the mouth touches that area. Very scary.
I have got maybe 3 cold sores my whole life, I am 24 by the way. Up until recently I have learned that a “Cold Sore” is a form of herpes, although this is true, I still feel as if a “Cold Sore” is just like the common cold, which my cold sores always seem to come during or right after I have the common cold. I would never want to except the fact that I have the Herpes virus (EWWW). I mean when I see people with Cold sores, I think that it’s gross, so I totally understand the way people look at me when I have one. I am so scared to share drinks, lip gloss, use a public restroom, or for that fact any restroom besides my own. If it’s so easy to get the Herpes Virus, what the hell are we to do?? I haven’t had a cold sore for years, I am wondering if I got it from the bartender who was serving me my drinks, her mouth was covered with them. I actually remember talking with my cousin who was there with me and saying, “If we get HERPES, we are coming back here to kick some ass” LOL. Well sure enough I got one, is that coincidence or did I really get it from her? I guess all it takes is for her to touch her mouth then my glass(YUCK)!!!!, and since I already had the virus I am more prone to getting them. I honestly don’t think you should be able to work if you are having an outbreak, right? I haven’t left the house for a week, well maybe once and I was having anxiety the whole time. I hate Cold Sores, I wish they would burn in hell, because that how I feel when I have one. I am hoping that I don’t get another one for many more years, and to think that I could give my BF genital Herps when I don’t even have a cold sore WTF, what really is this shit, It’s fucking gross if you ask me. I want to drench my entire body in hand sanitizer!! I feel like I am in a Resident Evil movie, You could get infected at any time BEWARE!!!!!!!!
I get cold sores a couple times a year and have been getting them since I was a kid. I’m now 34. For the last 8 months, however, I haven’t had one. During this period, I’ve been eating broccoli a few times a week and trying to eat more vegetables in general. Could be a coincidence, but it seems to have a positive effect; I’ve been sick a couple times over this period and still not had an outbreak. There’s some research that touts broccoli and brussel sprouts as inhibiting the virus. Here’s an excerpt from some online publication:
“there is evidence that suggests that a compound called indole-3-carbinol, found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as brussel sprouts and cabbage, may slow down or stop the herpes simplex virus.
Read more:”
Worth a try to do some preventative care rather than treating it after the fact.
Anyone else try altering their diet and have success?
Unfortunately I am one of those unlucky ones that gets ‘cold sores’ (HSV-1) in my genital area :( Although my outbreaks haven’t been too bad, the stigma is unbearable. Please disclose whether you get cold sores with your partner. Also, taking about 10g of vitamin C a day and 4g of lysine have helped me eliminate my outbreaks. Eliminating teas, coffee, chocolate and nuts (especially foods high in arginine) from your diet help reduce outbreaks. There’s plenty of studies and proof about this.
i have a cold sore at them moment and the top of it is starting to come off. is this ok or should i try to keep it in contact?
I’ve just noticed a cold sore on my lower lip 20min ago and quickly searched ways to remove it and came across this website. What must i do to prevent it from growing further, i remember getting one last year in June. Help fast.
i have cold sore since when i was in college and it has come out when i am very stress or eat something that causes to come out. now I feel like a cold sore was coming when I saw a bump on my upper lip left corner. I took valacyclovir 500 tablet for 3 days and it die down and not noticeable. I had a OB about 1 1/2 years ago, but since then I have not had one to the point when it blister and crusted up. I use Lysine plus cold sore treatment and it help contain the cold sore to come out. Also I use camphor ointment when i do get a OB on the blister to dry it fast put it on 3 to 4 times a day, then I use Lysine ointment when i sleep at night. But now I am wondering do I have to take valacyclovir or acyclovir rest of my life so my cold sore don’t come out as a suppressant treatment. I got it from a girl who kiss me on the side of my cheek very close to my lips in college, stupid move on my part. Look what i got now. :(
I have never had a cold sore in 38 years of life. I know I carry this virus though. Every so often, I’ll feel one under the skin, but it will never come break out. I must be blessed. According to another sight I was reading, around 85% of all adults are infected. So, all of you out there worrying about passing it on, I say big deal if you do. With 85% infected, it is very possible you might never meet anyone not infected. As for those of you that are angry because you got infected, give the rest of these people a break. Chances are pretty good that you have spread your fair share without even knowing it. Anti virals are the only thing proven effective against an outbreak. Everything else treats symtoms. Good luck everyone.
I’ve been getting cold sores all my life! I have pictures of me as a baby covered with them…You’d think I’d be at least some what used to dealing with them but the discomfort and humiliation is still the same after 20 years. I usually get 4-6 out breaks a year and have tried literally every product Walmart/CVS/Walgreens has to offer. The best advice I could give somebody is to go straight to your doctor for some costly but highly effective prescription ointment. I’ve been using a cream that is actually for legit genital herpes…yeah, not fun to go pick up at the pharmacist but it cuts the healing time in half!
I got my first cold sore at 14 before I kissed anyone. The first two years they appeared a lot now I can only feel the burning/tingling feeling a couple of times a year but I get no sores. It has been two years since I got a cold sore. Maybe it does stop after a few years.
For those who say cold sores are normal. Ummm, no way. I’m almost 50 and have never had a cold sore, nobody in my family has ever had a cold sore. I didn’t even know what they were until I saw someone in the Army with sores all over his lips. And it may be something genetic or at least able to be passed down. I married someone who got them and his whole family on his mother’s side gets them. Thankfully our kids have never gotten one.
I’ve always had these cold sores since I was a kid. I usually get them after a fever or when I’m stressed or upset. Last year I realized it is an HSV-1 but I didn’t pay much attention. Yesterday I got a new one and I started searching today about the virus and the cold sore and I kind of freaked out! I didn’t think it would be as contagous as it is! anyway I felt much more comfortable when I read your posts..I’m not alone..I hope they’ll find some CURE and all of us will not get them again.
Hi I have a cold sore and heard that if you kiss a baby while having one it can be deadly. Well my son is almost 8 months old and I am really freaked out. I had one back in December and didn’t know it could be deadly so I know I kissed him. What should I do???
Hi everyone. As much as it sucks that we all get them, I feel a bit better knowing I’m not alone in this. I’ve been getting cold sores since I was about 8 or 9 years old. I’ve been fortunate that I only would get them maybe once or twice a year but the older I’ve gotten, I’ve been going years without them. Well I’m 23 now and was really stressed out a couple weeks ago, and bam! Outbreak. Haven’t had one for the past 2-3 years *sigh* It’s right on top of my bottom lip and has been spreading around my lips since. I’m so frustrated and down. I’ve never had it this bad before. I usually use Tea Tree Oil because that’s worked wonders for me before, but didn’t have any (and didn’t have any usual warning tingles!), so been using Eucalyptus Oil instead. It was ok but not showing the improvement as quickly as I hoped. Found my Tea Tree Oil, but I think it just dried out my lip, so even better for the stupid virus to spread (lips chapped/dry). Got Famvir yesterday, seems to have helped them crust overnight, but also found a few new ones on my top lip today *sigh* Been using Zovirax since last night as well to help stop the virus from replicating and speed healing. I don’t care about crusting – I just want them to stop spreading!! If by Sunday night it’s still spreading, gonna have to go see a doc. Not sure what they can do, but no idea what else to do at this point. Sorry for the rant, but no one understands what this is like unless they suffer from cold sores themselves! I hope they find a cure for this soon because this is just horrible. It’s nice to hear though that even when they’re bad, they do go away for most people. Fingers crossed for that cure!!!
gnc amino acid l-lysine 500 mg take two tablets three times a day,works for me helps rid them fast.
Im 15 i think its my first cold sore. I have had a cold sore for almost two months its gotten to a small bump on my upper lip does that mean its healing?? Or does that mean its scared? Can u give me advice on what i could do? Plz anything will be helpful at this point im about to go back to school soon :\
Oil Of Oregano P73 stops cold sores dead. Topically and orally. Then also take 2000-3000 milligrams of L Lysine. And you’re good !
I’m so sick of people trying to make herpes type 1 not so bad..and herpes type 2 ..oh that’s the real monster…when it’s the SAME VIRUS AND THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS LOCATION…if you have a herpe sore on your mouth you most certainly can pass it while giving oral sex!! So I wish that people would stop separating the two..because dumb people may think hey this is type I can give her oral and nothing’s going to happen…that’s bull..because it can be passed..and type 1 in my eyes is the worst..because it can’s even been known although rare to go to your brain..yes look it up..and it’s visible and embarrassing..if you have sores’s herpes..DEAL WITH IT..fever blisters..cold sores..different names same thing..herpes emerges under different extreme weather changes..hence cold sores..sun..and while sick..fever blisters..get educated people..and oral sex isn’t the safest form of sex..7 diseases are spread through oral!
It may be a placebo effect but I have found that applying a thin slice of garlic to the site at the first sign of tingling helps to reduce the length and severity of the outbreak. After doing that for several years, the frequency of outbreaks seems to have been reduced as well.
And in the For What It’s Worth department, I originally only had sores on my upper lip (right side) suggesting that the virus is inhabiting a branch of the Facial Nerve. Once I had to have dental work done on both upper and lower teeth at the same time and the Dentist used the same Novacaine syringe to do a nerve block on the Facial Nerve and then moved down to do a block on the Mandibular Nerve. I few days later I had an outbreak on both the upper and lower lips. I think the virus was transferred by the syringe.
I’m amazed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both equally educative and amusing,
and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head.
The issue is an issue that not enough people are speaking intelligently about.
I’m very happy that I came across this in my hunt for something regarding this.
The guy in the pictures cold sore has nothing on the one that cropped up on my lip over night.
it literally takes up over half of my top lip
I’ve never had a cold sore
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