Life Science
Page 12
Rose Eveleth • November 5, 2010
Worms respond to explosives — but can they stop the bad guys?
Joseph Castro • November 4, 2010
New discovery may help to eradicate witchweed parasite in sub-Saharan Africa
Alex Liu • October 26, 2010
Parrots look like fun pets, but these intelligent animals are often more than people can handle
Stephanie Warren • October 26, 2010
Genetic tweaks could someday let us farm the tundra
Anna Rothschild • August 31, 2010
Ancient DNA holds the key to some of history’s mysterious migrations
Ariel Bleicher Alyson Kenward and Valerie Ross • June 9, 2010
Following schools of fish and other animal collectives
Alex Liu • June 7, 2010
Spiders might scare you, but you might need them more than you realize.
Valerie Ross • March 31, 2010
Mother crickets forewarn offspring of predators before they hatch
Ariel Bleicher • March 24, 2010
How trend-averse parents came to live in an Emily-saturated society
Ferris Jabr • March 19, 2010
Scientists struggle to explain the mind in terms of the molecule
Ariel Bleicher • February 26, 2010
Could garage biology inspire a new generation of inventors?
Mike Orcutt • February 22, 2010
A new finding challenges conventional wisdom about the mind’s internal clock
Mara Grunbaum • February 5, 2010
Rhythm in animals reveals evolution of human music
Valerie Ross • January 29, 2010
Research suggests we remember better when we’re in survival mode
Ariel Bleicher • January 27, 2010
A molecular biologist gives a common organism a remarkable skill using man-made genes