Author Archives

Avery Orrall

Avery Orrall

Avery is a health and environment reporter based in Manhattan. She graduated from New York University with a B.A. in English and American literature and minors in chemistry and psychology. Her interests (scientific) include health equity and microbiology. Her interests (non-scientific) include knitting, hoarding books, and hanging out with her cat, Gorgonzola Cheese.

May 6, 2024

Sigrid Jakob and other citizen mycologists are classifying fungal species before they disappear.

January 13, 2024

What a bid to free a zoo elephant says about the evolving legal rights of animals

January 11, 2024

Unearthing the millions-year-long process that fuels our world

October 5, 2023

Fosse was applauded for his ability to “give voice to the unsayable”


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