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March 18, 2020

Scientists and consumers are divided on whether brain-stimulating tech is ready for its moment in the spotlight

January 18, 2020

Residential solar technology is helping the planet and your wallet

December 14, 2019

Biohackers keep finding ways to upgrade the human body

November 22, 2019

Recent electrical fires at Walmart raise the question, is rooftop solar power safe?

February 26, 2019

A team of researchers has created an artificial intelligence (AI) system that mimics human religiosity, laying the groundwork for psychologically accurate AI that can predict human behavior

November 20, 2018

Instead of trying to compete with Mother Nature, Tak-Sing Wong draws inspiration from her

August 20, 2018

Nike’s high-tech racing shoes offer athletes an advantage — but how good is too good?

April 20, 2018

And there’s no way for you to know when it will start

February 27, 2018

But unique circumstances in these communities could make the effort fall short

September 18, 2017

Mimicking the human brain will only hinder the pursuit of true artificial intelligence, says Facebook’s director of AI research.

July 26, 2017

The Russell Museum chronicles decades of medical care

July 5, 2017

Brooklyn neighbors will soon be able to trade power directly — and there’s more to come

June 12, 2017

New online tools aim to save endangered animals, but experts say there are no easy shortcuts

June 7, 2017

Never mind determining whether a robot can be conscious, we can’t even decide what the word means

June 5, 2017

Freeze-dried plasma has helped trauma patients for decades. Why is it still out of reach for the American military?


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