Author Archives
Andrea Thompson
Andrea Thompson • November 27, 2006
A new book takes a look at how human language is formed, from its humble beginnings in the babbling child to its ultimate complexities of grammar and tense.
Andrea Thompson • October 6, 2006
Dust and other small particles in the atmosphere may be altering monsoon rain patterns.
Andrea Thompson • September 5, 2006
Scientists study a color-changing volcanic lake.
Andrea Thompson • August 11, 2006
Computer scientists combat film piracy.
Andrea Thompson • August 7, 2006
Rare colorful marvel makes an appearance over Spokane, WA.
Andrea Thompson • July 26, 2006
Would you be excited about or wary of sharing your name with one of nature's most destructive forces?
Andrea Thompson • July 11, 2006
--asks Rachel Warren from Brooklyn, NY