Author Archives
Rebecca Harrington
Rebecca Harrington • June 10, 2015
American science needs the U.S. national laboratories, but the system could use an update
Rebecca Harrington • April 10, 2015
Scientists are working on turning harmful algae blooms intro practical energy sources
Rebecca Harrington • March 4, 2015
Our misplaced confidence in biofuels
Rebecca Harrington • February 26, 2015
A drop in air pressure and oxygen can make you feel pretty out of shape
Rebecca Harrington • February 11, 2015
Theoretical physicist Ágnes Mócsy teaches art students science
Rebecca Harrington • January 21, 2015
The device uses electric pulses to suppress hunger to help obese adults who have had difficulty losing weight independently
Rebecca Harrington • November 26, 2014
Newly completed clinical trials show the vaccine works, but perhaps not well enough
Rebecca Harrington • November 21, 2014
Yes — until it’s not. And these experts say that’s the problem
Rebecca Harrington • November 20, 2014
Brain lesions observed in military pilots don’t appear to be a major risk, but researchers are studying preventative measures just in case
Rebecca Harrington • November 10, 2014
An op-ed in the New York Times argues sexism in academia is over, but it's off the mark.