Post Archive

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March 21, 2022

Jennifer Francis was one of the first climate scientists to connect a warmer Arctic with severe winter weather further south

March 8, 2022

Eco-theater offers an outlet for creative expression and scientific communication

March 7, 2022

In the wake of COVID successes, cancer vaccines and other innovative treatments are on the way

March 4, 2022

Quantum computing will break data encryption as we know it. These mathematicians are racing to find a solution

March 3, 2022

One’s perception of being heard by others might be as important as their speech motor system, a study suggests

February 28, 2022

How smoking weed before bedtime changes the way you sleep – and not necessarily for the better

February 25, 2022

A federal mandate to phase out open-net fish farms and the announced closure of a hatchery signal the practice is on its way out

February 22, 2022

The draw of group exercise might be rooted in unique changes in the brain that occur during team flow

February 17, 2022

These master musicians use the fundamental principles of sound to sculpt their overtone harmonies

February 16, 2022

With microscopic human tissues and advanced algorithms, testing new drugs in humans could become more efficient

February 15, 2022

The mass-produced and over-consumed cycle of fast fashion has taken a serious environmental toll on the planet. But there are ways to fight back

February 14, 2022

After taxi medallions plummeted in value, New York cabbies left with impossible loans have won debt relief from the city

February 11, 2022

Galactic archeologists expect the James Webb Space Telescope to be a game changer for their field

February 11, 2022

Some researchers argue testing on primates is both unethical and irrelevant, but vaccine developers and others say it saves human lives — and the pandemic is their latest example

February 10, 2022

The universe is probably heading towards a “Big Freeze.” Here’s what that means, and why it’s way too early to worry


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