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Rahul Rao • January 13, 2020
How far can naloxone go to combat overdose and addiction?
M.K. Manoylov • December 19, 2019
Cannabis use can harm those with bipolar disorder, a new study finds. But other experts have doubts
M.K. Manoylov • December 18, 2019
A new drug regime helped a transgender woman reverse the infertility caused by her transition, a case report finds
Rebecca Sohn • December 16, 2019
Momentum grows for sleep-more, learn-later school policies around the United States, with California as the pilot
Curtis Segarra • December 12, 2019
Every six months, scientists around the world try to outsmart the flu virus. Here’s how
Hannah Seo • December 9, 2019
The new machine learning system is another step toward digital health care
Curtis Segarra • November 21, 2019
This recent biopic is a great way to learn about the global sanitation problem
Anushree Dave • November 8, 2019
Women whose first sexual experience was forced are more likely to face long-term health consequences, such as psychological trauma and pelvic pain
Curtis Segarra • November 7, 2019
Solving lingering sanitation issues around the world requires having a conversation about, you know...
Jonathan Moens • October 21, 2019
Mounting evidence suggests mental health is tied to the air quality we breathe
Passant Rabie • July 24, 2019
Without a racial classification for Arab-Americans by the U.S. Census Bureau, the population’s mental health goes largely unstudied – particularly in a political climate that threatens it.
Dana Najjar • June 14, 2019
Everything you need to know to keep an infant safe during a measles outbreak
Marcus Banks • April 22, 2019
We seem to have a drug for seemingly every condition — except, until now, postpartum depression
Isobel Whitcomb • April 19, 2019
Smoking before bed might seem like a good way to drift into a more relaxed sleep, but research suggests otherwise
Marion Renault • April 8, 2019
They bill themselves as a natural alternative for squeaky-clean, super-white teeth — but should you open wide for charcoal?