Post Archive

Page 139

April 11, 2008

A new study offers a possible solution to the riddle of the antimatter cloud in the galaxy’s core.

April 9, 2008

A recent study says dogs shouldn’t be allowed near important bird habitats, leashed or not.

April 8, 2008

Are you a stargazer? If you just happened to be staring up at the constellation Bootes (the “Bear Watcher”) at 2:12 AM Eastern Standard Time on March 19th and you […]

April 7, 2008

- Asks Eric from Baltimore

April 4, 2008

Coping with fears of genetic discrimination leads some people to take matters into their own hands.

April 3, 2008

As an avid reader of I was a little shocked to see an op-ed penned by Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey regarding autism. First of all, in my limited […]

April 2, 2008

Even wasps may have the genetic blueprint for motherly love.

March 31, 2008

The best new technology often comes from its exact opposite—nature. Case in point, the Humboldt squid, which manage to use a hard, razor sharp beak to kill and rip up […]

March 27, 2008

As the warm days start piling up, many New York City residents may find themselves dreaming of the beach, barbecues and drippy, drippy ice cream cones. I love all that […]

March 26, 2008

At a meeting of Brooklyn's Secret Science Club, neuroscientist and composer Dave Sulzer explains how our brains compose music — even when we're completely unaware of it.

March 21, 2008

What global warming means for preserved microorganisms.

March 19, 2008

How sled dogs can teach us about mercury contamination.


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