

February 13, 2025

Insects, fish and even some mammals use pheromones as behavior signals. If researchers can prove humans do, too, exciting new therapies might follow

August 7, 2023

Meet Joe Hollins, the recently retired veterinarian who cared for a record-breaking 190-year-old tortoise named Jonathan in his remote island home

August 26, 2022

Decades after the last Indian cheetah was killed, 36 will soon be imported from Africa. Conservationists aren’t sure it will work

February 3, 2022

People across New York City care for tens of thousands of feral cats while also working to reduce their population

August 18, 2021

Under pandemic lockdown, those lucky enough to stay home got a taste of pets’ confinement

July 2, 2021

A Florida captain’s creative solution to the global problem of marine debris: Let’s rodeo 

June 16, 2021

Growing public awareness and engagement have played a part in the birds’ recovery, experts say

March 17, 2021

A squid robot is among the latest to take to the seas

March 3, 2021

About 10 vaquitas are left on the planet, but a new study confirms fishing nets pose a much bigger extinction threat than inbreeding

January 25, 2021

The popular weed killer could impair honeybees’ immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to infections

December 30, 2020

Watching for resident and migratory birds has provided people an outlet during the COVID-19 shutdowns

November 19, 2020

You’ve heard of the fly on the wall, but what about the crow in the city?

August 13, 2020

Clean waters have attracted large marine mammals to feed on a rising source of plankton and fish

May 22, 2020

Wildlife-police raids and customs inspections are trying to halt this highly invasive species

April 21, 2020

Machine learning may boost disease hunting, but not everyone’s convinced


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