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April 15, 2009

This year's Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Gardens is a colorful take on conservation.

April 3, 2009

New tricks to breed sexier Mediterranean fruit flies could improve control of an important agricultural pest.

March 30, 2009

Adding the right kind of bacteria, scientists find, can boost plant growth on poor quality soil.

March 25, 2009

Invasive sea lampreys may soon become vulnerable to a powerful new stake to the heart: irresistible sex pheromones.

March 24, 2009

Have you ever heard your date sneeze and thought: “Ooh. She wants me.” No? Me neither. But that apparent non-sequitur isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. One hundred forty-six people […]

March 18, 2009

Scientists listen to the mating songs of disease-carrying mosquitoes in hopes that they’ll use what they learn to control wild populations.

March 13, 2009

Ordinary citizens make valuable contributions to scientific research.

March 8, 2009

A recent Ebola Reston outbreak among pigs in the Philippines is cause for concern among some scientists.

January 22, 2009

For researcher Jermel Watkins, forensic science plus high-schoolers and hands-on teaching is the formula for success.

January 20, 2009

Trailblazing our knowledge of aquatic minds, Diana Reiss uses science to fight for dolphin welfare.

January 19, 2009

One fish’s evolution raises questions about what constitutes a species.

December 31, 2008

A new study finds that gut microbes may help protect against the onset of type 1 diabetes.

December 10, 2008

Improving this enzyme’s function decreases tissue damage during a heart attack and could even help with hangovers.

December 3, 2008

Eavesdropping plants drop hints about ecosystem health.

December 2, 2008

Biofilms. They’re like Frankenstein’s monster in microscopic form. They are living, heaving, powerful patchworks of microscopic creatures that have learned to seize the advantage of numbers. When individual, free-wheeling microbes […]


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