

Page 48

October 29, 2008

In the last few months there has been a downpour of discoveries in the area of stem cell research. Three of the latest findings reveal new ways to turn back […]

October 27, 2008

Asks Todd from Tulsa, Oklahoma

October 20, 2008

Asks Elizabeth from Maryland

October 14, 2008

In the early 1980s, bets would probably have been on virologist Robert Gallo, then at the National Cancer Institute, to win a Nobel Prize. At a time when scientists were […]

October 13, 2008

Asks William from California

October 9, 2008

Certain odors can bring back memories of birthday parties past or help us gauge the freshness of last week’s leftovers. Recent research into smells, however, reveals the other impacts they […]

October 7, 2008

Big problems can have small solutions. That’s what I learned this week when I visited Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials on Long Island, New York. Research in the […]

October 2, 2008

“Tail today, feet tomorrow. Mutation is good at” These sentences were painted on a billboard I noticed while walking near Cooper Square in Manhattan. I thought to myself that […]

September 30, 2008

At last Friday’s presidential debate Senator John McCain made the following statement, railing against earmarks for pork-barrel spending: “You know, we spent $3 million to study the DNA of bears […]

September 26, 2008

The economy is in a tail spin and the weather here in the Northeast today is wet, windy and miserable. Fortunately, today’s blog tidbit takes us to tropical climes and […]

September 23, 2008

Today’s kids may be able to read, write, and multiply, but will they be able to relate to the environment? The U.S. House of Representatives addressed this question when they […]

September 18, 2008

In all likelihood, a creationist from the crystal meth capital of Alaska will be president of the United States in about 18 months. But until then, we can pretend that […]


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