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Dave Levitan • February 6, 2009
Mick Ellison: Scientific illustrator and photographer.
Robert Goodier • January 2, 2009
Disease hunters target an ancient form of life.
Lindsey Konkel • December 27, 2008
As short as they are enigmatic, the three-foot-tall “hobbit people” have provoked controversy since the 2003 discovery of their fossilized remains on the Indonesian island of Flores. No one knows […]
Shelley DuBois • December 24, 2008
Researchers find a possible treatment for African sleeping sickness in a drug usually used for organ transplant recipients.
Brett Israel • October 31, 2008
How a little luck—and a large extinction—aided dinosaurs’ dominance.
Rachel Mahan • October 20, 2008
Asks Elizabeth from Maryland
Adam T. Hadhazy • August 27, 2008
Both deadly and benign spore-forming bacteria's genes allow them to eke it out in extreme conditions.
Rachel Mahan • July 16, 2008
Get video answers from Rob DeSalle, an evolution expert.
Stuart Fox • June 4, 2008
Neil Shubin's new book explores the intersection of developmental biology, paleontology and genetics.
Rachel Mahan • May 23, 2008
A lizard family tree offers clues to the balance between reproduction and survival.
Greg Soltis • April 2, 2008
Even wasps may have the genetic blueprint for motherly love.
Stuart Fox • March 3, 2008
Bacteria get a bad rap. Sure, the bubonic plague and cholera have killed untold millions of people, but a lot of other bugs do things we appreciate. They keep our […]
Jeremy Hsu • August 15, 2007
A microscopic image of our ancestor's thigh bone blurs the definitions of art and science.
Rachel Mahan • July 31, 2007
Get video answers from Rob DeSalle, an evolution expert.
Rachel Mahan • July 31, 2007
Get video answers from Rob DeSalle, an evolution expert.