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Genevra Pittman • November 21, 2008
The right kind of Web support could help patients with eating disorders.
Frederik Joelving • November 19, 2008
A new birth control pill carrying a load of modified testosterone may boost sexual desire in women on the Pill.
Victoria Stern • November 17, 2008
Asks Alex from Philadelphia
Carina Storrs • November 14, 2008
Geneticists hope their stem cell research will find new drugs against this debilitating disease.
Dave Levitan • October 31, 2008
After more than six years as director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Elias Zerhouni will step down at the end of October. Zerhouni presided over the nation’s primary […]
Rachael Rettner • October 29, 2008
In the last few months there has been a downpour of discoveries in the area of stem cell research. Three of the latest findings reveal new ways to turn back […]
Katherine Tweed • October 10, 2008
Researchers get aggressive with drug-resistant strains of TB and see promising results.
Stuart Fox • October 6, 2008
Asks Alex from NYC
Eric R. Olson • October 1, 2008
A recent study reveals differences in cardiac arrest survival on nights and weekends.
Victoria Stern • September 17, 2008
Earlier diagnosis and treatment to keep the debilitating disease at bay will help families and victims prepare for the inevitable.
Susannah F. Locke • September 12, 2008
Explore the mercury content, omega-3 fatty acid benefits, and ecological impact of eating different fish.
Jeremy Hsu • September 3, 2008
Too little—and too much—medical information on candidates could deceive voters this election season.
Susannah F. Locke • September 1, 2008
Asks Jillian from Philadelphia
Adam T. Hadhazy • August 27, 2008
Both deadly and benign spore-forming bacteria's genes allow them to eke it out in extreme conditions.
Katherine Tweed • August 25, 2008
Asks Spencer from Madison, Wisconsin.