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October 22, 2008

Phony memories of bad food experiences may help dieters trim calories.

September 30, 2008

At last Friday’s presidential debate Senator John McCain made the following statement, railing against earmarks for pork-barrel spending: “You know, we spent $3 million to study the DNA of bears […]

September 12, 2008

Explore the mercury content, omega-3 fatty acid benefits, and ecological impact of eating different fish.

August 22, 2008

Science and tradition meet when chemists cook up stretchy Turkish ice cream.

August 1, 2008

Communities across the U.S. and Canada experiment with different ways to keep fruit local.

July 25, 2008

As this year’s Tour de France draws to a close, you might be wondering how many calories it takes to power all of the riders during 21 days and about […]

June 9, 2008

Asks Alex from Philadelphia

April 30, 2008

More evidence in the debate over the benefits of “good” bacteria in yogurt.

April 24, 2008

Sunday, the New York Times ran a front-page article about food shortages forcing people and governments to embrace the genetically modified crops many have previously shunned. That article came hot […]

April 7, 2008

- Asks Eric from Baltimore

March 27, 2008

As the warm days start piling up, many New York City residents may find themselves dreaming of the beach, barbecues and drippy, drippy ice cream cones. I love all that […]

March 10, 2008

- Asks Jackie from Connecticut

March 8, 2008

Every time I think about becoming a vegetarian, it looks good on paper and even feels good in practice for a few days. But then my stomach rolls over, begging […]

January 23, 2008

I was just noshing on a bit of health food – a dark chocolate bar – when I read that my sweet snack may not be as good for me […]


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