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Dave Levitan • October 31, 2008
After more than six years as director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Elias Zerhouni will step down at the end of October. Zerhouni presided over the nation’s primary […]
Eric R. Olson • October 15, 2008
A review of Daniel Gardner's book about the fears that shouldn't consume us.
Eric R. Olson • September 30, 2008
At last Friday’s presidential debate Senator John McCain made the following statement, railing against earmarks for pork-barrel spending: “You know, we spent $3 million to study the DNA of bears […]
Lindsey Konkel • September 23, 2008
Today’s kids may be able to read, write, and multiply, but will they be able to relate to the environment? The U.S. House of Representatives addressed this question when they […]
Molika Ashford • September 19, 2008
The world's largest landfill is slated to become the biggest park in New York City.
Stuart Fox • September 18, 2008
In all likelihood, a creationist from the crystal meth capital of Alaska will be president of the United States in about 18 months. But until then, we can pretend that […]
Jeremy Hsu • September 3, 2008
Too little—and too much—medical information on candidates could deceive voters this election season.
Greg Soltis • August 8, 2008
China is trying to modify its value system in a way that is scientifically sound and reflects its philosophical traditions.
Andrew Grant • July 25, 2008
A court with no judge, no jury and a controversial treatment of science takes center stage in the autism-vaccine debate.
Adam T. Hadhazy • July 6, 2008
Presidential and Congressional wannabees, take note: A new poll published last week indicates that voters in both parties support the notion of using science and technology to solve the nation’s […]
Katherine Tweed • April 29, 2008
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals announced last week that it would offer a $1 million reward for a company to bring commercially viable test-tube meat to market by […]
Why is it taking Iran so long to make a nuclear weapon? Didn’t it only take the US four years to invent them?
Stuart Fox • November 20, 2007
- asks Herman Blount of Birmingham, AL
Peter Sergo • November 12, 2007
- asks Jim from Ohio
Molly Webster • October 20, 2007
Don't lose the science in the hoopla.
Emily V. Driscoll • October 19, 2007
Geothermal wells increase in popularity as a fossil fuel alternative.