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January 31, 2007

The locksmith of yesteryear can't compete with the technology of tomorrow.

January 29, 2007

Researchers use acoustics to help soldiers better defend themselves from sniper fire.

December 21, 2006

City College of New York researchers keep watch on the world without ever leaving Harlem.

December 1, 2006

Flexible electroconductive materials will advance medicine

November 22, 2006

Daniel Levitin's new book explores the science behind humanity's love affair with music.

November 8, 2006

Flexible electronic displays made on the cheap.

November 3, 2006

New guidelines for clinicians could lead to better diagnosis and treatment of congenital hearing loss.

October 2, 2006

Geisha Meets Fembot: New Technology, Same Old Gender Roles

September 22, 2006

Nanotechnology could ease the world’s water woes.

July 25, 2006

Conservation through architecture.

July 19, 2006

Researchers use marine organisms for guidance in tackling engineering problems.


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