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Shannon Hall • June 3, 2015
A government-sponsored scientific panel called for more research on geoengineering — here’s why we shouldn’t even consider it
JoAnna Klein • May 20, 2015
Water quality reports are misleading, cryptic and incomplete
Lauren J. Young • April 29, 2015
Farm director and writer Scott Chaskey balances his winter season between composing poetry and challenging the national organic standard
Shannon Hall • April 13, 2015
A chemist flies through smoke plumes to better understand global warming
JoAnna Klein • April 8, 2015
A community restores vitality to a superfund site in New York City
Katherine Ellen Foley • February 23, 2015
Tom Cronin stumbled into studying deep ocean floors, and hopes he can help others find the same curiosity for the unknown
Jennifer Hackett • February 9, 2015
The debris littering this historic island is just a tiny part of a global littering problem
JoAnna Klein • December 11, 2014
Even animals that live far from humans are developing resistance to antibiotics, alarming puzzled researchers
JoAnna Klein • November 17, 2014
Housefly larvae help scrub antibiotics from manure at factory farms
Lydia Chain • November 14, 2014
A new underwater glue is science’s latest attempt to mimic the natural world
JoAnna Klein • November 13, 2014
Two Remote Villages Devise a Plan for Sustainably Managing Harvests of Yartsa Gunbu
Shannon Hall • November 12, 2014
Stymied scientists disagree about how to drive home global warming lessons
JoAnna Klein • October 29, 2014
A new guide may help rangers stop the invasion of the Galapagos Islands.
Katherine Ellen Foley • October 27, 2014
Research digs deeper into the effects of soil microbes on a warming environment
Krystnell A. Storr • October 9, 2014
Two species of Asian carp are pushing toward the Great Lakes, leaving researchers scrambling to hold the invasive species back