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Does elevating your heart rate during exercise have the same effect on you as a fight or flight response?
Jeremy Hsu • June 11, 2007
- asks Anh Nguyen from San Jose, California
Kristin Elise Phillips • April 20, 2007
Parasites, bacteria and viruses mark the trail of human evolution.
I have a friend who says he can’t cry — are there medical conditions that stop people from crying?
Peter Sergo • April 16, 2007
- asks Rose Kelly
What is the difference between a cold sore and a canker sore? Is it true that if you have a canker sore, you have herpes?
Lindsey Bewley • January 29, 2007
- asks Katie from Colorado
Ben Leach • January 11, 2007
A pioneer of genetic screening discusses his early successes and the future of the field.
Andrea Anderson • January 8, 2007
-asks Anonymous from Regina, Canada
Meredith Knight • December 14, 2006
Aaron Mitchell uses genetics to ward off a potentially deadly type of yeast.
Joshua J Romero • December 4, 2006
Racially diverse groups make better decisions
Melissa Mahony • November 29, 2006
A new book explores the science of species invasion
Jeremy Hsu • November 9, 2006
An innovative project uses solar power to empower the poor.
Jennifer Moser • November 6, 2006
Neurosurgeons may disinfect and replace bone flaps dropped on the floor during surgery.
Peter Sergo • November 6, 2006
-- asks Anonymous from New York, NY
Erica Westly • November 1, 2006
Cancer cells may cooperate to withstand their host's immune response.
Emily V. Driscoll • October 23, 2006
-- asks David from Internetland
Julie Leibach • October 20, 2006
Researchers have found some of the major players in the detection of sour taste.