
Life Science

Page 19

April 9, 2007

- asks K. York from Madrid, Spain

March 30, 2007

An NYU professor’s career has taken him from the brain’s evolution to the future of drug delivery.

February 15, 2007

In an age of hyper-mobility, are we more vulnerable than ever to deadly epidemics?

February 14, 2007

A psychology researcher explores how children develop language skills.

February 5, 2007

- asks Rachele Cooper, a scienceline staff member

February 1, 2007

While the HapMap Project gives hopes to groups like the Amish, some geneticists believe it has taken a wrong turn

January 4, 2007

Stem cell scientist Hynek Wichterle tackles Lou Gehrig’s disease in a privately-funded lab outside the public eye.

December 4, 2006

Racially diverse groups make better decisions

November 29, 2006

A new book explores the science of species invasion

November 27, 2006

A new book takes a look at how human language is formed, from its humble beginnings in the babbling child to its ultimate complexities of grammar and tense.

November 27, 2006

--asks Jake from Gainesville, Florida.

November 22, 2006

Daniel Levitin's new book explores the science behind humanity's love affair with music.

November 17, 2006

Scientists delve into the oceans to solve the problem of drug resistance.


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